

glee: quinn fabray vs santana lopez
In small town of lima ohio, at the william mckinley high school. Chris opens the door he walks down the hallways he made to the gymnasium, He walked inside he closes the door quietly. He walks to the stands he sits down, Later comes long black straight hair, santana lopez and long blonde straight hair Quinn Fabray. But santana didn't see quinn, she stands on the standing on the bottom step on the stands she's ready. Long comes santana lopez she is just standing 1 inch frim the stands. Quinn grabs a hold of the santana's right shoulder, and then quinn grabs a hold of santana's left shoulder. Suddenly quinn jumps on santana lopez's back, but she pushes santana, she forces santana forward ''hard''. After she did santana lopez with her aggressive sudden momvemts she tries to aggressively going around the gym and aggressively throwing her off her back. Quinn hold on tight she stays on santana's back like a postage stamp!.