

only love...
There is a stillness. There is a love. There is commotion and there is also a suspicion. Love is all there is.

There are wars among countries and friends. There is peace and those who defy the instinct to retaliate. There is also apathy. There is only love.

Greed and corruption, compassion and empathy, depression and anxiety, happiness and joy. All is born of love.

You may have heard a rumor over the past few thousand years that what we are offered at birth is sin, destruction, and the fading away of things. These are reactions to love also. Reactions based in fear. Only love is given.

We are responsible. We are entrusted with all there is and ever will be. Should we twist the love of creation into pretzels of hatred? Some think so. They may win the moment, but they will not win even a day in the life of those who let love grow and flow.

Love and only love.

Happy Monday.