

The Ballad Of Nirvana
Chapter 23
Part 2

“We got married at a young age, it was an arranged marriage and it was difficult to understand him. He was moody, unpredictable and stagnant, an idealist. I on the other hand was quick, dynamic and always flighty.” She explained.
“We would never stand on one decision, the same happened when we had kids, the bloodline of Vardhi. You are technically my direct descendant but I treated your mother like a friend and so I am treating you like one.” At this point Indriya lost it, her eyes widened and she was gaping at the thought that she was sitting with her greatest grandmother and discussing her marital issues.

“What?! ...Why did...you did not tell me before, grandma?” She said, instantly understanding why Apramēya cared so much about her.
“Stop calling me that, I am not that old! I am only five thousand years old.” She exclaimed and chuckled as she callused her own cheek.
“You know, where I was brought up, people are usually bones and dust when they are five thousand years old.” She admitted, but Apramēya huffed. “Sorry! Go on.”

“So, Vardhi was not ready to have children but I wanted to, so when I gave birth to the first child he threw the baby into his salt water.” She sniffed slightly, Indriya couldn’t blame her for hating her husband.
“So, you left.” Indriya concluded for her.
“Yes, he didn’t have the right to do that. That’s why I left him after thinking about it for almost a year.” She sobbed silently all of a sudden. Indriya slid a hand in the goddess’s hand and squeezed it, and Apramēya held on to it. “Even my tears are not made of salt water.”
Indriya for one hated her great grandfather, to such an extent that she would have stabbed him five thousand times for killing an innocent child and another five thousand times for not apologising for it. Maybe his stupid ego came in the way when he thought of apologising, if he thought of apologising to his wife.

But Apramēya didn’t deserve to be sad, she did not deserve the sadness of losing a child. Indriya did not have children but she could deduce how Apramēya would’ve felt.

“If you left then how did you start the bloodline?” Indriya asked.
“I was pregnant again before I even knew it and I gave birth to your great grandfather and raised him all alone.” She explained, Indriya nodded not understanding the entirety of it, but she chose not to go into details. Apramēya wiped her tears. She didn’t notice them coming out but they were there.
“I need to leave now, Princess. Be careful.” She smiled sadly, Indriya didn’t stop her when she left the building, went into the garden and jumped into the fountain and disappeared.
Agni moved their training section to after breakfast, Indriya was mildly uncomfortable due to a full belly. She dressed herself in a black shirt and leather pants and used the thigh clasps. She looked cool and lethal, Agni wanted her to get used to the feeling of the cold metal against her skin.

When she entered the room Agni was already standing with his left hand cuffed in metal shackles.
“What, are you practicing getting caught today, Princey?” Indriya asked.
“No, this? These are for you.” He took her right hand and shackled it with his left.
“What am I a suspect in your investigation?” She smiled and asked.
“No, you are the culprit, you are always the thief, you will not use your right hand today. Let’s learn left combat shall we, you are too good with your right.” He yanked the cuff and dragged her to the centre of the room. “Pick the sword up with your left hand.”
She did, she did everything he said without complaining, obviously she found it hard to hold the sword let alone manoeuvring it without dropping it.
“Focus, Princess. You're well built now, both your hands should be able to handle the sword properly.” She dropped the sword and it fell at Agni’s feet, she bent down lazily and picked it up again.
“Tell me this, Princey, why do I have to learn to wield with my left hand when I will have a hundred thousand soldiers around me?” She drawled.
“First, you have to win the respect of those hundred thousand soldiers. Second, if you know how to wield these things, and use your brain, you don’t need a hundred thousand soldiers.” He elaborated in an annoyed tone.
He was right, so she didn’t argue and they went on with their practice, one by one he corrected her left hand combat moves, but Indriya was tired by the end, her wrist was hurting and her forearms were on fire, but Agni wouldn’t let her rest.
She dropped the sword and walked to the edge where there was a velvet couch that seemed like heaven to her. But Agni yanked his left hand with such force that she crashed face first into him and they fell onto the ground.

Indriya's mind was blank for one second. She was confused to such an extent that she didn’t know what to do or what had just happened. Her nose touched the cool marble floor beside his neck and the scent of the night jasmines hit her like a rock, bringing her back to reality. Her hand was still cuffed to his hand and was sprawled across the floor on top of his hand. She could feel his ragged breath on her neck and his unsteady heartbeat. Indriya’s cheeks were burning as she attempted to sit up straight bracing either of her hands beside his head, which fortunately was a successful one.

“You know, if you wanted a smooch, you should’ve just asked.” She retorted with the last shred of haughtiness she could summon. Agni scoffed and his face revealed nothing to her retort.
“Get off, if someone enters they will have a heart attack, Princess.” He said as he tried to sit up straight but Indriya shoved him down and pushed her left elbow across his throat choking him, he could have hurt her with his right hand, she was aware of that but it was worth taking the risk.

“Do that again and I will shove those shackles down your throat.” She warned, but he twisted her left hand to her back that it hurt a little too bad and sat up straight when she was distracted enough. Indriya gritted her teeth at the pain and tried her best not to yield anything, he snickered a little.
“I’d like to see you try, Princess.” His face was so close that their breaths were mingling. Indriya lost it, she clenched her jaw and her nostrils flared slightly and her fist met his jaw with such force that her rage was also satisfied. She held him by his collar and yanked him closer, bringing his ear close to her mouth and said “You don’t want me to do it, Princey.” A warning, a threat that was enough to incinerate the courage of those up against her.

She stood up with ease as she saw him rub his jaw and contort his face with pain. He pinned her with an awed but angry stare after which he got up slowly.

“Hey! You wanted to see me?” A female voice cut in breaking the tension between them. It was Mekhala Madhura. Indriya wanted to retort at the woman but then she realised that it wouldn’t be too queenly of her to do so, and stifled it in her throat.

“Yes, I wanted to see your fighting skills against our warrior Princess here. Have you lost practice though? I mean you must be too busy being a lady of the court.” He was provoking her. ‘You idiot!’ Indriya could have obliterated him if she had the power to summon fire but she thought it wouldn’t be too bad if she beat up Mekhala.