

QUITE doesn't mean m stubborn too
Hello !! the inner me....hope you are fine
And now m beginning myself......as I told yesterday, I have complet my exam with a very good score nd m happy for it 😁😁

The mess begins from here, where I saw a lizard nd shout with a High pitch as m phobic to it. An unexpected reaxn came from all my family members. They were like....... fully aggresive, arrogant and in just killing mood. but somehow I was "Quite" . This is the only thing that makes u underestimated by others your quiteness, earlier I had heard of it buy I start believing it from today.

Don't know why ,but either it was my professional behaviour or a behavior of careless girl, to whome noone affect in anyway that I prefer to handle the situation with "Quite" reaction.

later when I deny one of the work of my elder bro ,as he was the one among them who were aggresive to me....... I get to know about one more weird reaxn. u know what??
that why I deny him??
this was the qusn from both my mother and bro.....

Moral :- your quiteness make u underestimated, so be quite......till it doesn't affect u in anyway ,but when people start chasing you with ur calm nature react what is right for the situation...... leaving ur professionalism aside and keeping ur own faith first.

whether it's your parents or frnd if they are wrong let them know.
Denying my bro's work was one ofy way to show my anger but it doesn't mean of I was " QUITE" then m stubborn too.

thank you my life for one more lesson hope we'll meet soon