

Where Gold May Go
The parcel that had arrived today, contained an old key and a list of instructions to use it, not knowing what might entail on this ragged parchment with mysterious markings.
Whatever this map leads to, surely is more than a spectacle of bore.
I guess, ancient artifacts was a thing of the past for me, fortunate as I had been in my past discoveries, most of my work was done from a desk nowadays.
It had been three longs years since my last archeological excavation in Cairo, Eygpt.
The megalithic pyramids and structures full of ancient etched symbolism were a sight to remember.
What a vast land full of sand and extraordinary historical significance.
As much as I loved history though, there were always two things that seemed to get me in a bit of trouble on my journeys;rum and treasure.
fancied them to the point it interfered with, well let's just say misconstruing important "legal documents".
I do say, mixing the two are a rather bad combination.
I do suppose it would make me a modern day pirate of the sorts, but one can only tell from a prospective to another.
This ruby embeddied key, trimmed in gold was a treasure like no other & no one knew in had it.
Well only good Cole's Mr.Greenferd who stumbles upon historical objects from time to time at his local antique shop, knew I had such a key in my possession.
Mr.Greenferd and me were very similar in a lot of ways, maybe that's why we bonded so closely over the years, when it came to antiquity and art.
Struck in awe, gently rubbing the designs of the key, which seemed to resemble an extinct meso-American tribe I noticed a familiar symbolic pattern on the very hilt of the key.
"Could this really be...be it!!?" I asked sternly whilst almost fumbling the key to the glass counter top that surrounded much of Mr.Mr.Greenferd antique shop.
Mr.Greenferd starred back at me with a look of slight assurance but also astounded by this recent find of his, a gem encrusted key, from a local theif.
"I'm not sure Milo, but I do know it was found somewhere in south America by a random farmer digging on his land...both the key and the map" muttered Mr.Greenferd.
Both men struck with excitement and curiosity, it would have seemed that this new find would bring hope.
Hope for one last final conquest, a conquest of adventure in a foreign land where the adrenaline was at its peak!
Maybe this was it, Milo thought, maybe one last hunt for treasure...
Seal the deal, one last conquest of thrill.