

Open Hearts Lead To Broken Hearts 💔
It is quite natural for any biological woman to want to be sexually satisfied and to be acknowledged, loved, and treated like a queen by a biological man!!!! All females yearn for this....Even the ones who say they don't and technically I would be lying if I said that I didn't because before I became a traumatized wreck like I am today; I would fantasize about the kind of soulmate that I wanted!! The protection, the affection, the assistance, the presence, and the caressing of a man is an urge we were naturally designed to have because that is how god created us. A man and a woman are meant to complete each other and to accommodate one another!! Some women try to ignore, deny, and fight against the urge but deep down it is still there. I am not, I repeat NOT saying that a woman's life depends on a man or that a woman can not do anything for herself and can not be successful without a man. I am only talking about our natural feminine instincts that we were born with. Guys also need the company of a woman as much as women need men! At a certain point in everybody's life regardless of their gender; they are eventually going to seek a partner and seek sexual pleasure; so with all of that being recognized and taken into account; it does surprise me or offend me when people give me awkward looks or refuse to believe me when I tell them I have been single my whole life and have never been married, never been in a relationship, and never had intercourse. Yes I know it is strange and hard to imagine! I can barely understand it myself; to be honest. Sometimes I sit alone in a quiet spot and cry for hours!! It makes me sad and it breaks my heart to have to restrict myself from experiencing intimacy and sex. As a female; I am curious to know what it's like and I would love to experience those things but I can't because of the curse that is taking over my existence. I will forever be single and will forever be a virgin because I can't be sure anymore!! I don't want to accidentally give my body or my heart to Lucifer or to a deceased male relative from one of the past generations and was the antichrist child and the son of the devil. If they get inside of my body; their demonic seed will be implanted in my uterus and the curse is going to start back over again through me. My demon kids will multiple when they grow up and make more demons like themselves. After multiplying, they will all come together and murder or attack
the sweet innocent babies I conceive that are chosen spared angels like myself and like my mom. Each of us are doomed if I allow them to insert their penis in my vagina and impregnate me. My mother and I are already suffering right now as we speak but it's going to get much worse if demon offsprings are brought into the picture along with a monstrous man; posing as a random stranger
and acting like he's my soulmate when he's not. The only reason why the curse on my family lasted for as long as it did was because all of the angel women in the previous time zones did not know who or what they were actually having sex with. They thought their partners were a random average man. They had no idea it was Satan or their ancestors!! #intimacy #marriage #relationship #ancestors #boyfriend #fiance #soulmate #husband #satan
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