

Chapter 46: Marry me Swath!
I informed everything to Suchi.
Mohan came to see me at the hotel. "Hi... Man... What a dare you have? Nobody dares to look into the eyes of Mama... He is a very aggressive mind... And Swath is very Pavam yar... What a dare you have... Brave yar" He said and put his hand on my shoulder.
"Well... Bravery is in my blood"... I said.
"What." he didn't know yet about my clan.
"Yeah... Are many things to tell... But for now... I want to talk with Swath... How is she?" I asked as I was worried.
"She ... Is I don't know...all are busy with the wedding... It's tomorrow so..." Mohan said.

Later on, I went with Mohan to his home and help him with arrangements.
As I reached, I felt all eyes looking at me as if I'm going to run away with Swath.

One old man asked me," Are you serious to marry her? "
I said..." Men never talk about marriage if he is not serious!".
He laughed and became frank with me.
I was busy helping Mohan with arrangements.

I got a text. " Meet me in 10 mint behind the kaav".
I read... But this Kaav ... I didn't understand. I showed it to Mohan.
He send me towards Kaav and told me to be safe as snakes can be seen also he send a boy with me.

I went as a boy was leading ahead.
" Look Swa...Chechi is waiting for you" he pointed his finger and ran back.

So... This is Kaav... I looked around... It's a snake temple sort of filled with creepers and huge trees ... I saw idle of serpants ... And grooves of snake.

"What the hell you did, do you have any idea ?... My furious Swath said.
Swath... Relax yar...I said as I managed to sit on the small steps...
I pulled her hand to sit beside me.

"I liked this place re... You never told me about it... It's so clam and dense..." I sat stretching my leg over the steps.
"Just shut up Sagen... I'm serious... You have no idea about Dad... He will kill me.." Swath said folding her legs tightly across her hand.
"Hahaha... Technically he should kill me first, not you!" I tried to relax her mind.
"Shut up stupid... Who told you to come here... And you never told me that you know Mohan Chettan". (elder brother is called as Chettan).

"Well, it is called the Destiny... Mohan was my friend from college... He has never known you... You never knew him... Now everyone knows... I love you Swath" . I touched her earring and said.
"You embarrassed me. My Dad. You haven't done this Sagen." she was confused...
"Really... Tell me what embarrassing I did...
Did I lie... Did I hold your hand and tried to run away... Or they caught us kissing... " I giggled to make her tension free.
"What... I told them... I want to marry you that's it."I said looking at her deep eyes filled with kajol.
"Ok... So they will reject... You pack and go." she pinched my arm in anger.
"Hahaha... Madam... Only you have the right to reject me..." I teased her removing her hand and her pinch.
"Ok, I reject"... Before she could finish... her word I pulled her arm closer to me and kissed her deeply...
She was in shock...
"Sagen... Idiot... This place is holy... Not supposed to kiss here... It's a sin...damit"... She rubbed her lips and felt sorry towards the Snake God and Goddesses.
"Ok... Let's go somewhere and continue our kiss" I giggled.
"Shut up... Idiot... She stood up to go back".
I saw her back, I said."Marry me... Swathantra... Else I will kiss you as my wish and at any place..." I yelled echoing my sound.

I saw her going... Her curly hair back waved with the air... She held her brown half saree while climbing steps towards the outdoors of Kaav... And I looked at this girl...
I looked at the shrine of serpents and prayed... "Trust me. I love her purely as mine, as divine. Don't harm her ever"! I saw a snake head behind the shrine... I walked back...

I told Mohan that, snakes exist there... He told many tales and stories of kaav. All fascinated me.

I had food with ladies inside the kitchen. They all teased me. One of Swath's relatives said"Our Swath is a serious type... Will you make her laugh" I giggled and said... Earlier I was a serious man and introvert... Your daughter only changed me like this...
They all giggled. I was happy that they all wished to see us together.
I mingled with them.
We all teased Swath...though she hide from me as of shy or fear! And Mr. Menon had given no clue yet!

I introduced Suchi to all on a WhatsApp video call... I called Masa and told her everything. I told MaSa that... This time I won't be running back... As I did once...
" MaSa if you want to see me happy... Let me stay with Swath... At least first you meet her.... I love her."

The wedding day of Sneha and Rajesh was like a thrill for me. As I was keen to know their traditional wedding.
I was with Mohan.
I saw Swath on the Mandap...
Her Yellowish Red Chicken net saree... Her earrings, her bangles... Her necklace... Her bindi is in red... Her hair... Her eyes...I admired her like she is a sculpture... And I'm the artist!

After the wedding... I looked at Mr. Menon. By that time almost all people were on my support.

As we were back home leaving Sneha with her in-laws.
I heard an old lady asking Swath...," Mole... How long you know him"
She said since I was in 11th std.
I smiled at her... As we traveled for so long.... From teenage to crossing 30 years of age.

Now I was waiting for Mr. Menon to discuss or ask something...
© Saranya Anish Nair