

Path of truth |Nazia Tul Fatah |
Title: Path of true
Writer name: Nazia Tul Fatah
When we start to read Quran, at the beginning we found a surah called surah Al Fateha means sure opening. Its not only a surah but also a praying. From surah Al Fateha ayat no: five, "Guide us to the straight path". Thats mean such a path where we will walk with truth, respect, well-being, honour. The path will be right, correct, perfect, purified. To show this true path is " Hedayat". We have to come closer to Allah, and the way is :
1) fear of Allah
2) believe from your mind respectfully
here is a fact that those who are selfish always busy with his own world, they cant face outside.
And one more thing those who work for our country they are patriotic. Allah loves them. When you are in inner world fear Allah, when you are in external world fear Allah. Our relation with Allah is :
1) He is our lord and we are his slave
2) Allah has the power of sovereignty
3)our whole earning, we sold to Allah to take jannah (Heaven)
4)Allah will ask people what he has done in the earth. If we do good work, you willl get prize and if you do bad work you will be punished. About every work Allah will ask us. To enrich these relation, we have to do:
1) Salah
2) Dhikr of Allah
3) keep fast
4) spend money to well-being so that allah may happy