

Super Yannah: The Nerdy Heroine (Chapter 2.2)

But before I pass by, Bea forcedfully pulled me back to them!!!

"You've learned to turn your back on people talking to you huh!!! Do you think you're beautiful??? No girl can surpass the beauty of ABC Girls!!! We are the most beautiful!!!" Bea insisted...

I turned my face to them and started speaking humbly and softly... "Will you please stay away from me??? I have nothing done any bad thing to all of you!!!" I said in a low voice but I'm not into crying...

Chelsea stepped closer at me with eyes full of laughter..."Yeah, you don't do anything bad on us!!! But it's all your fault!!! Look how you dress!!! Is that how a maiden wears a dress??? You're much more a beggar begging for a 1 coin for those people passing by!!!" she spatted and burst into laughter...

As of the moment, I sighted Zacky walking towards us with two hands on both pockets on his pants!!!

He was my first crush!!!... He's kind and adorable!!! He's always defending me from bullies ever since he transferred on our university...

He was my dearest and only friend here in the world!!!

"Are you bullying Yannah again???" he started as he came already in front of us... "You girls don't really have a heart!!! Can you please stop it???" he said in a low baritone voice!!!

Andrea laughed,"Oohh hi Zacky!!! The prince charming of that nerdy!!!" she shooked her head, showing her dismay... "You two don't matched, handsome and female beast!!! Hahaha... So ugly!!!" she insulted...

"Why are you defending that ugly weakly nerd, Zacky??? You can chose to be with Andrea, more beautiful, more sexy than this nerd you're always defending of!!!"... said Bea

"If we talked of prettiness, obviously, Yannah is more beautiful than you!!! Why??? 'Cause her attitude is beautiful and her heart is clean... and that is what beauty means!!!" Zacky answered controlling her anger...

(Ohh you envious??? My dear Zacky is defending me, again!!!)

Bea rolled her eyes!!!..."Huh!!! If I'm not mistaken, you're only protecting that nerd because you only want her to wash your clothes!!!"

"Exactly!!! You will fall for me, Zacky!!! And I will make sure that nothing can get you but only ME!!! Let's go,girls!!!" Shouted Andrea and walked out together with the two... (Loser!!!)

Zacky faced me and checked if I have bruised..."Are you okay??? Did they hurt you???" he said in a worried manner...

I smiled..."I'm fine... Thank God you came!!! I don't know waht to do if you're not here!!! Thank you very much for always helping me!!!" I said...

He also smiled... "It's nothing!!! What our friends are for if we don't help each other, right???" he said but it secretly made me sad!!!

© Jhulz