

Awake(chapter 2)
~ if you have not read chapter 1 yet make sure you go read it and then come back to this chapter ~

Chapter 2

*Riiiiing!* Finally I thought as I made my way out of the classroom and into the crowded hallway. "Hey! Wait up." I turn around to see Emily pushing her way through the other kids and when she finally got to me she was out of breath."You practically ditched me!"she shouts to be heard over all the other kids."yeah sorry I'm just really ready for the weekend and of course my birthday." I remember that I have homework, which sucks cause it's my birthday. We squeeze into the doorway and Emily's mom is already there, honking."see you at the party!" "Yeah see ya." I wave goodbye as she leaves and I start taking a seat on the bench in the shade. I pull out my phone and check my notifications. Then I go to my games and click on drag and merge. After a little while I hear that familiar honk and look up to see moms car. I gather my stuff and quickly get in the car. I can finally relax I think to myself, but then mom blasts me with questions. "How was your day?" , "is Emily coming to the party?" , "Did you remember to turn in your permission form?" I answer,"Yes momm." each time. Finally we get home. I get my stuff and wait for mom to unlock the door. I find that mom has already been preparing for the party and I set my stuff down to look at all the cool decorations. Mom informs me that she hasn't gotten the cake yet and we have to pick it up in a few minutes. So I plop myself on my bed and decide to spend the time i have left on my phone.
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