

Nerdy For A While.........Or So.
Kelly Jones was a seventeen years old girl who hated studying. Whenever she was asked to learn, she would whine and cry like a five year old girl. But this year was different. Her mother had promised her a three month vacation to her favourite place in the world: Hawaii, if she did well in her exams and got good grades,so she had turned to learning four months before the exams.
She got up very early in the morning to get dressed, eat a healthy breakfast and while waiting for the bus,she'd learn. She always told herself"I'll just be Nerdy for a while and when we finally go to Hawaii,I'll turn back to my own normal self and go back to partying."
Very soon , exam day came. Kelly was sure she would do well. There was no way,she would flunk her exams. The night before the big day, her mum had called her to give her a pep talk about her grades.
"Now I know you would do well. But please, don't do well entirely because of the trip. You've got to also do it for yourself"on and on.
She was really nervous. If you had told her a year ago that she would be learning equations,she would have laughed it off. But now her it was.
A week after writing the examination,her results came out. She had done really well so she could go for the trip.

Since her routine had changed for quite some time now, she could not stop learning. It's like she found comfort among books.
Now everyday,she learned and partied occasionally. You can say her life had changed for the better.