

sorry you guys stolen my life
all my life I know things was different but I learned how to do things like i needed to like everybody else I fit in like everybody else I looked it like everybody else I work like everybody else you did another thing too I love you like everybody else when you're a different and your kids are different people don't understand you or them but same time life does go the way God's plan not yours then nothing too you have to keep her first and no matter what don't fall as we go along the years I love I lost my house to a fire and I had to learn and trust myself and trust God that it's going to work out any good favor and I'm just thankful now that I learned all the years and tears I shared I am stronger than most and I'm not going to give up now and I always have been strong and had my problems I've had my son it's like anybody else that same time I learned through my storms that I am great and I will continue on doing just like I plan long as I have God to work out with me he never leave me he always left me through all my storms yes I've been betrayed by people and family and friends and lovers but it don't stop me and don't describe me it do not define me and it blessed me that I seen that my father have great plan and he's working it out and nothing too I watch all my betrayal heading on I seen things that really was unbelievable but it's true that people do harass you slander you miss Caroline's your name but who but one thing I can say through betrayal I met a nice guy that was very very wonderful to me and he died in a car accident in November of November 17th of 2023 I will miss him forever but yes I do want my life back from Augusta Georgia because nobody can never wear my name nobody can never have my face nobody can never have my past and nobody will never have my future good morning
© Selena Ellison