

An empty suitcase full of memories
I've had this suitcase since I was a little munchkin.
I showed it to my friend and she asked,"Why is it empty?", I replied,"Its not empty its full of memories," my friend laughed at me thinking that I was joking ,as I looked at her I told her I wasn't joking, she was left speechless.
She asked me what kind of memories would be hidden in an empty suitcase, I corrected her that the suitcase wasn't empty and told her that the suitcase hid bitter memories.
I told her I used to hide in this suitcase when I was little because I was scared, I was scared of something that I didn't know, something that I felt the presence of.
My friend asked if it was a ghost and I told her it was the "unforseen" I was scared of.
My friend was yet left speechless again, I could see it that she was thinking that I am crazy but she was the one who asked of the suitcase, I didn't tell her that I still hide in that suitcase.
Atleast she listened to me even if she thinks I am crazy.