

"No mortal man can see God except your name is called LOVE, deep calls unto deep, it is the nature you carry in your soul that will determine, who or what you will attract, if your soul make up is LOVE , then you will only attract the heavenly, God cannot share His Love with another, He behold His Lover jealously, He is a consuming fire, don't touch his Love...lest you will be consumed. " my Love, continually behold my face, I trust her, she will not betray me, when the thief have come, to still her soul, can't even see the soul, for it is hidden in My heart, , like in Adam ,the thief tried to open the door of my mouth, by many tricks and sweat deceiving words, but the door of my house is already lock firmly with me and my Love in my Royal bed, full with Roses 🌹 and pleasant, scents she is in the place of safety and honor, , my Love don'tt be deceived, like Eve was decieved , when the thief, trickishly stole away her treasure, the merchantdise exchange her true gold with shining looking big clay with the promise of vanity, she sold out her Destiny and the hope of her progenitors, the right to sonship of God and the inheritance that follows this right, her lack of of knowledge of her true identity made her believe the merchandise who sold her her destiny for vanity and her childdren inherited this vanity until the Second Adam, emerged, and buy back all the thief had stolen with His own Live, His blood , dont trade it out this time around, no Love is left to redeem you back My Love.

© Oyebanji Oyekunle