

Tainted (a Fanfiction Story based on Game of Thrones Series) 09
Warning: The chapter contains strong/mature language which are not suitable for young readers.

Chapter 09: His Cruelty

It was mid-day when Samwell Tarly entered Jon's chamber. I was there, busily scrubbing the floor. I tidied all corners of Jon Snow's chamber. He wasn't around. But Ghost the direwolf was there. Perhaps, he went outside the Winterfell for I never saw him since I woke up and until of this time.
"How are you holding up to Lord Snow's rudeness, Racy Bolton?"
Sam had suddenly blurted out. He was directly eyeing on me but I never felt uneasiness or awkwardness with him being around. He was Jon's bestfriend and a very kind man.
"I'm alright, Lord Tarly."
I timidly answered. It was never necessary to tell him about how Jon had treated me these past few days in his chamber. I continued my work without saying anything to Sam.
"I was sent here by Jon to look after you. He went with Lady Sansa and Bran to see Lady Lyanna at House Mormont. They might return with the little lady before nightfall."
All along, I feared he would punished me that day he had dragged me towards his own chamber. But luckily, Jon never did those things to me. He only took me there without saying anything nice to hear but all were rude and insulting words from him. Extreme cold treatment, too. He told me I was the lowest rank among the servants of Winterfell. And I should obey whatever he commands. I was no more a daughter of a noble man since the House Bolton was already destroyed and burnt by his Northsmen. What remained with me was, I still held the title as daughter of a traitor..
"Did Jon do something cruel to you?"
There was a hesitation in Samwell's tone as he asked me those words.
I quickly shook my head.
"N-no, my Lord."
Before nightfall, the Starks siblings had returned at the Castle. Samwell Tarly readied himself to greet Jon and the rest at the mess hall. He asked me to come with him since I personally served Jon and I kindly obliged. But I feared, I would be the reason to spoil Jon's mood.
But who was I to complain?, even though I could not bear to take anymore shame and insults from him especially when the Northerners were around. But he owned me. 
We arrived at the mess hall. Sam had found Jon who was seriously talking to one of the notable Lords of North. Sam had gently grabbed my hand and I followed him towards Jon. I lowered my gaze to avoid the eyes of the Nobles who were already familiar to me. But I still couldn't avoid the judgement and hate I received from their glares. Especially the little lady Lyanna of House Mormont. Her aura was fierce and very intimidating.
I suddenly heard someone calling my name from the crowd. That voice, it seemed very familiar to me. I surveyed my eyes among the noisy crowd.
A smile was drawn in my face. It was Wynfryd Manderly from House Manderly of White Harbor. One of Ser Wyllis Manderly's son and my only childhood bestfriend of the North. His mother Leona was my mother's friend, too. The Manderly's often visited the House Bolton when my mother was still alive. But when the revolt of House Bolton against the Starks uprises, Wynfryd and his family never went to visit the Bolton's again since they were loyal to the Starks.
I happily ran to him. I had almost forgot Sam was with me.
Wynfryd hurriedly ran to where I stood.
He seemed happy, too.
"How are you? Are you alright?"
He hugged me so tight it almost made me hard to breath. He cupped my face and pinched my nose. It was obvious he missed me. I hadn't noticed the curious glares from the crowd, especially the pair of dark grey eyes who were fuming with anger.
"I'm alright."
I gladly answered him. I briefly forgot how hard my current situation was.
"I heard you were promoted. They've called you now, Ser Wynfryd Manderly of House Manderly. I'm so happy and proud of you, Wynfryd." I hugged him back. But I was terrified when a sudden strong arms had snatched me from Wynfryd. The crowd went silent and still.
I fell on my knees due to the stinging pain from a sudden tight grip on my jaw. I struggled to get away from him.
"You whore! You never learned! " He angrily grabbed me once again and grip my neck. I couldn't breath. My heart clenched painfully when I saw how his face became ruthless and unforgiving.
"Stop it, my Lord! You're killing her!"
All I heard was a terrified scream from Wynfryd, before my vision went black, and I passed out..

© melai2020

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