

The man accused of the worst
He can't remember what day he heard the most outrageous news ever!!! The mother of his child says that a police report was made of him touching his 3 year old daughter. Wtf!!! Pissed off instantly!!! How dare those words come from those, purple and black cigarette lips!!! I couldn't do anything about it is what came from her cigarette smelling breath!!! That their daughter had told her nurse or someone like that and it was report to the police.He couldn't remember how the mother put it because straight blackness came about his life a.s.a.p. That's the moment he realized that he hated this woman. He would never be with her again. How dare you!!! The disgust!!! Now, he did have a wicked imagination, but 3 was way too young. His daughter!!!! He knew she wanted him to see his daughter, but why would she go this low?? A poolliccee...e report!!! He ask his child's mom, So, why didn't they come to talk to me yet? Oh, they closed it!!!!! What??? I know I didn't touch my child but she's saying it, who is??!!! She says she doesn't have his daughter around anyone!!! 🙄 Why would she say this!!! Oh, maybe because I watch Steve Wilkos all the time!! Omg!!! That's true!!! I never see anyone over there. She has told me that I have a extended welcome there. No, need to call first, that who ever she's with will have to be ok with me just showing up. Even though, most of the time he does call first. But this day was going to be a different day. He received a text from his child's mother, of a flyer that had a picture and said last day of head start. They're having a picnic or something for the families to come and be with their child. Boom!!! He have been a shitty dad all her life. The little moments count. He have missed, almost everyday, of this little girl's life!! He's going to surprise her today!!! So, he shows up. Forgetting that his dumb ass sent a picture of his girlfriend to her sleeping with a engagement ring on her finger!!! Who really does dumb 🤐 like that!!! 🤐 idiot!! His life was like, actually a crazy 🤪story. He'll have to fast-forward and then rewind how all this shit is going on his ife. Today he spit in her face and she called the police on him. Which, he's on a 5 year parole supervision after doing 5 years on a aggravated robbery charge he had nothing to with, but pleaded guilty to because he was there. He's not a snitch, he thought to himself, before he realized they were only for themselves. He chose loyalty over family. Rwd. to 2009. For 3 years went to court every month. Tiring shit he thought to himself. He was in Jail for 2 weeks and he realized that jail wasn't for him. Changed his life instantly, and graduated from a trading school. He's still on bond from the robbery charges at this time. He got married to his sons mother. He had 2 kids at the time. Two boys by two different women. He was 17 at the time. A boy at 16 and another at 17. He met his first child's mother when he was 15. She stayed across the street from him. He lived there with his mom, sister and 3 brothers. All his moms sons have been to prison. The brother that is one year younger than him,, did juvenile time, got out and got his life straight. Ok, listen, it's 5 of us. His sister is the oldest. She's, 33, He was 32, then it's, 31,30,29. His 30 year old brother did 10 years In prison. He went to jail when he was a juvenile. Caught a rape child while in juvenile, and now to this day has to register as a sex offender. Oh, but he's in jail now. He wouldn't register as a sex offender. Boom 3 years for not registering. Oh, I forgot to tell you that my mom died last year. 😔 Not, sure what she died from. It went so fast. He didn't get to take to her and she was asking about him. He didn't make it back on time to talk to her. 😭😭 We knew she was dying. They had her in a hospice. It broke him. 5 years in prison gets you in a phase to where you really don't have or show emotion. He wondered if he could every cry again. He cried when his 28 year old brother got shot. He was talking to him right before he got shot. Had a talk with him and told him not to rob someone. The day dies down and he leaves his grandmother house. At this time his brother is leaving with their grandmother. She stayed out of town for awhile. My sister, cousin and I used to visit her every summer. Somehow, his brother moves to go live his grandmother. He got in some trouble with some boys and shot someone in the face. He didn't go to jail for that, because they found a video of his brother waking away and the boys following him. Anyway, she moves back her and he's still living with her. He leave and get a call from my brother asking did he hear about their youngest brother. He got shot. He was coming outside and someone shot him in the chest. His sister's husband, was walking out also and took him to the hospital. He's not the same anymore but he's alive. While all of this was going on he was staying in Cincinnati. After he did 4 years and 7 months in prison, he was released and sent to a halfway house. Certain Halfway houses really doesn't allow you to have cellphones there. He snucked one in. Met someone off a dating website. Pof!!! 👍When he saw her he wanted her. Ok, His last year in prison, he started talking to a girl he met before he went in. She had a friend, so he took his brother with him. He's married but he has a girlfriend. He's not cheating though. 🤨 He's having 3somes with his wife and girlfriend while she's pregnant with his baby. Not to mention that he's had a 3 some with his first two kids mothers. He cheated on his first kids whom is now his wife for the woman that was doing her hair. She would be doing her hair with sucker bites all over her neck. She would say girl yall must have been getting it in. It was with me the whole time. Oh, how did she find out. My first kids mom was always at our house. She really lived with us. I mean she was pregnant, so the damage is done. She was staying over. Well, she was on the porch and his cousin had stopped over for him and said of, he must be over Stacey's house. 😱I've never really thought about how she felt at the moment. I know she was hurt. They were all family. But, they've been keeping this secret from her. Wait until you hear this. 👂He had gotten Stacey pregnant Also. They were pregnant at the same time. My oldest son is only 11 months older than my second son. He's a mess. So, not with the first kids mother, anymore while she's pregnant, he's with the second one...Stacey. Still going back and having sex with the first child's mother. But to be accused of touching his daughter!!!! 😫😫To be continued🥺🥺