

The chaotic void.
Bring me the man from yonder skies who can but tell me the motive of my existence, the very answer for which millions have sacrificed their lives to the perilious nature of their fate. I would rather take into belief that my existence, not a dime a dozen, was destined to shed light and uphold the prestige of human chaos which through the course of time has found itself lost in the deepest dungeons of mortal ignorance. The chaos which the ever-living, ever-growing universe had wrought in its infancy has been humbly playing it's part in shaping the destinies of the trifling multitudes of mortal fools. Who, oblivious to the bitter truths of life and determined to contravene the eternal doctrines of nature, have devoted themselves to the futile aim of perfection, completely voiding the gifts of imperfection. And I while signing off , would implore the ignorant and narcissistic mankind not to trivialize the nobility of the unrivaled , unchallenged human chaos.
© Ignite