

Be a human.
I recently saw a post about " how to successfully bring someone to Christ".

What bullshit is this?

Choosing a religion is each one's right. I am a Christian but still, I don't understand why we have to change someone into religion in particular. I am an Indian and I have friends in most of the religions since childhood. None of them asked me to change and nor did I ask them. We never even talk about the religion we follow because we know it doesn't matter but still, we celebrate Christmas and Eid and Sreekrishna Jayanthi with the same passion.
Most of us even forget the fact that the moment we are born, our name, our religion, our caste, all of these things are decided and we, do not have a choice or rather never given a choice. And it is for these irrelevant things, these things that we didn't even get to choose, that we fight & make war for the rest of our lives.


All the religions teach us how to love, even our enemies, how to be selfless, how to be kind, how to be understanding, how to be forgiving, how to bring about a difference in someone else's mundane life. The sole purpose of religion, according to my point of view, is to teach every human how to become a better version of themselves.

A better you and thereby a better world.

They say "this group of people who belong to a particular religion, or caste or whatever shit, are kind, are trustworthy, their God is the one true God".
How do we know you are telling the truth?

I don't think being in a particular one actually matters.
Because you know, it doesn't.
Being a better human is what actually matters.

© Dustytruck

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