

The night of the living dummy (part two)
All of Carters anger and saddness was just flowing out of him as he started to slowly type. The way that the type wrighter sounded made him relax but that was not enough to make him forget what thoughs kids had done. He began to type faster and faster intell he had made an whole page. He didn't relise what he had typed intell he red it for himself. He had titled the page Yuni Akahane and has he red the page out loud to himself something began to happen. The story was about a doll named Yuni Carter had never heard that name ever in his life he just made it up and he was proud. The doll Yuni was being passed around from shop to shop because no one wanted her intell a little girl with ther mother found her and took her home. Yuni wore a bright red pokka dotted dress with pink tights and black boots she had a flower bow in her hair the hair being in a bun. Yuni how ever was no ordanary doll she was able to come to life and she was so happy to finale have a family to call hers. But all good things must to come to an end the little girl was not so little any more and soon enough she left without her. Yuni was filled with rage has she was all alone without anyone coming to get her. Before carter could read the entire page his mom called him for dinner but when he came back not everything was the same.