

The House with the red walls
chapter one

I wake up in the middle of the night for the third time this week. i go to the frige and grab some water the same girl came to my dream today, the same girl i have been dreaming about for the last few weeks .At first i thought it was just a dream becouse i was not sleeping well but it got worse.

The dream starts with me standing on the door of this house with red walls i walk in and up the stars to a room with a tree carved in the door then i walk in and find this little girl wearing a white gown standing as if she is waiting for me to do something....At first she would just steer at me but last night she had blood on her gown and the blood seemed to be coming from my hand .

I try to sleep but i can't so i decide to go for a run, i look at the clock and its 4:33 so i put on some pants and a jersey i grab my phone and go for a run . its still dark becouse its the middle of winter .

I keep running until i reach the coffee shop ten blocks away from my apartments ,i look at my phone and its almost six so i go in and order a black coffe i sit down in the chair next to the window facing the mountain and i can see the sun coming out. Its beautiful.

After my coffee i walk back home, take a shower and head out .When i get to the shop it seems like am the first one there at least i have a few minutes to myself befor anyone else gets here i look at my phone and two missed calls from Jade.

I go through my contacts and call her "Hello Galleria why haven't u been answering my calls? whats wrong ? am worried about you i woke up this morning and you weren't in your. room ,where were you?" "Jade come down i went for a run am fine down worry ". "ho thank god i thought you got kidnapped or something anyway am not coming home tonight my mom asked me to come home ,will u be fine alone ?" " yeh sure am fine "."k bye".

I get home tired today was probably the worst day of my life, i dont even bother changing i just get in my sheets and go to sleep . Am back at the house i head upstairs but this time i go to the other room ,i open the door slowly and i see him standing on top of black blood he has some on his hands and in his mouth and he steers at me but it feels like his looking through me behind me, i turn around and ....and ...she is there .

The girl is standing behind me holding out a knife towerds me i take a stap back am about to run when she walks through me towards him and she starts singing something "FOR ALL SHALL FALL FOR U SHALL FEED ON THE BLOOD OF THE INNOCENT I THE FLOWER WILL STOP U I SHALL CALL UPON THEM ALL AND U WILL VANISH WITH THIS KNIFE THROUGH UR HEART VANISH ... VANISH .

She steps closer and suddenly his eyes flesh a blood red colour and he calls out something befor she stabs him directly in the heart he calls out my name and he says "GALLERIA GALLERIA SHALL BE HER NAME" and he dies,i stand there looking at hime forgetting the women standing beside him he called my name why what the fuck is going on!!!!

Suddently am woken up by a unfamiliar hand over my mouth i forse my eyes open to find a dark tall man standing on the side of my bed one hand on my mouth and the other telling me to stay quiet i try to fight him but i can't move like am paralysed or something then òi hear movment in the other room "stay queit or u will die ",he says and slowly removes his hand and i realise i was not breathing .

I take in some breaths while my mind prosses the man standing in fornt of my bed, his tall,dark toned ,blue eyes and short dark brown curly hair his very build and from the looks of it very angry. he moves closer i try to move but i still can't he picks me up with no effort and all i can think about is thank god i slept with my clothes on .

He carries me and wispers something under his breath the out of nowhere my wall despaires he jumps i try to scream but he cover my mouth again and i think "This is it am gonna die jumping from a hole in my wall with a man i don't know my life is over".

© Tiff