

Last train to a lost journey —I
It is morning and suddenly the bell rings at Sadhna's house and as she opens the door— it's Rachit (Rachna's friend). "Oh my God! Rachit, I am so happy to see you after so long. You bastard where were you all these years. Never even a phone call or anything. Is this you the way by which you redeem your friendship?" "Breathe, breathe my Ms. Sadhna, the melodrama queen....breathe
first...I'll tell you everything, but will you allow me to enter or not?" (Laughing) "Oh! I'm such a stupid, I forget, come yrrr". Let me make you a perfect masala chai and than we'll chat about all thses years, till than do freshen up...you look so haggard"
After half an hour
Now tell me "Rachit how are you? how's life going on, and how you finally remembered me??...." "Oh Sadhna, so many questions, let me explain everything myself". (Rachit speaks) All thses years I've been in Bangalore, after college I got the internship over there and now after 5 years I've got a promotion as the senior executive manager in accounts department. I never contacted even a single college accquintance of mine because I have been very disturbed about whatever happened past 5 years. Today also, if I'm here is only to enquire about Rachna. "Do you get any calls from her?, all these years I remained unsuccessful to forget about her, if you've any information about her, please Sadhna for our friendship's sake, please tell. I'm very restless now...."
Sighing a deep breath Sadhna said "Why? whatever you left 5 years ago, why you want to know on it? It'll be of no use. Let the things be there where they are". "But I want to know to rectify my mistake...pls...."
"Ohhhhkkk...it's a long story, you know na that Rachna was the literal reflection of 'beauty with brain', an all time favourite of all the teachers and her classmates. But love was never a topic of her choice, she never believed in it unless you came. It was your love at first sight but was Rachna's confusion with first fight; hahaha; but it was destiny, you both got enough chance for your compassion to grow into love—the most beautiful ideal couple. It was your instant attraction but her love for you evolved. She fought everybody for you Rachit, her family was her life, she convinced them all.....Why you betrayed her....??...Why you let her regret this love throughout her lifetime?... Nobody expected this from you....I don't know how much pain Rachana must had been through.....????Why you betrayed her??

Thanks for reading....the story will continue ☺️
© Ritu