

Matt's life had been turned upside down.his wife was killed in a car accident. The other driver was at fault. They were coming home from church. Their daughter Nina was only three months old. Matt had a broken arm and had scrapes and bruises but was otherwise fine. The kids were fine.
Matt never expected this. Matt and leane had started the church as a missionary outreach of their home church. The church was released on its own. It was doing well. The church grew. They had faithful attendees. A core group and an inner circle developed.
Matt was put in a cast and a sling. Matt was discharged. The kids were looked over and let go. Many from the church had gathered from the hospital. He spent time with them then they went home.
Matt tried to sleep but could not. It seemed so surreal. He could not believe it.
The next day, people gathered at the house. They brought food. This included warren and sherry.
Matt made the calls. He called Leanne's parents. He called his parents. His parents lived nearby and came to see their son. The church as his family supported matt and his family.
Warren and sherry had come to the church shortly after it was established. They had attended an evangelical megachurch. It was a trendy church that catered to the seeker. He had been unhappy with the church for a while. when he heard about rappel Baptist Church, he decided to check it out. The two families connected almost right away. leane and sherry became best friends. Warren and matt hit it off as well. Eventually,y they joined the church. Warren became a deacon.
Warren and sherry had nine kids with a baby on the way. This included Nicole. Nicole was their third child but the oldest daughter. She was 18. She was heavily involved in the church. She played the piano. She sang to special music. She worked in the nursery. She helped with church decorations.
She was very reasonable. She had a good reputation in the church. She was helping to put the kids to bed when she heard the news about the pastor and his wife. She was devastated. It affected her personally. She tried to help out where she could.
Leane died Sunday night. the funeral was held on Friday and the committee was held after followed by a reception at the church. His dad conducted the service. Matt did speak. Nicole sat near the girls and his sister. She held Nina during the service. During the reception, she played with the girls.
"How are you feeling?" his dad asked matt. "I am still in shock. I feel numb. I feel lost. How do I do this without her?" matt asked. "it won't be easy but you will figure it out. Your family will be with you every step of the way. Your church family will be as well. I am certain of that. "his dad said. "I am too," matt said.
His parents stayed until that Monday morning.his dad preached the Sunday messages. Matt was there. when everyone left It started to feel real. He felt alone. He felt like he had no direction.
He met liane in Bible college. They dated for two years before they were married. matt's dad officiated the wedding. Liane was his best friend. She was a partner in the ministry. she was involved in the ladies and children's ministry. She was very musical.
Matt hung out with the girls. It was hard when they went to bed. That was when he most felt alone. He tried to make the most of things.
Matt took some time off, and deacons filled in the pulpit. Matt resumed his preaching duties after two weeks. He eased back into the other duties of the pastor.
"the last time I stood by this pulpit, Lee was still with us. I had no idea that this would occur. In two weeks my life has forever changed. This did not take the lord by surprise. He knew that this would occur. He has allowed it to happen. I admit it does not make sense. She was a huge part of my ministry here. She was a partner in every sense of the word. I believe that she did what she was supposed to do. her task on earth is over. To be absent from the body is to be present with the lord. She is far happier now. She is in the presence of her lord and savior. "he said.
"she was only supposed to be on earth for 27 years. She did a lot in those years. I am happy for her. We do sorrow. We do not sorrow as those who have no hope. we look forward to the sweet by and by while we live in the nasty now and now. "he said.

The girls sat with Nicole. Nicole held nina. She fell asleep. Casey and Macey sat next to her. Nicole was an avid note-taker. She was able to take notes while she held nina.

One day three weeks after her death, sherry called matt and offered to bring food. It was Nicole and her sisters Ashley and Jamie who brought the food. He saw the van pull in. He was surprised that it was Nicole that brought the food. He came out to great them. It was lasagna. That was one of his favorite meals. "hi pastor. "she said. "hi Nicole!" he told her.
He opened the door. They put everything on the kitchen table. He thanked them. They left. He watched them leave. He was very appreciative.
"I liked the meal," he told Nicole. "I am glad. "Nicole said. "your family means a lot to me," he told her. "your family means so much to us. "Nicole said.
He eventually fully returned to the pastorate. being involved in ministry was a huge help. It helped in the healing process. It was a huge help. Everyone was a blessing to him. he did not realize that he was a blessing to them.
Warren and sherry invited matt and the kids over for dinner. It was Nicole that greeted them. She picks up Nina. Ashley and Jamie helped as well. After talking in the living room, sherry announced that dinner was ready.
Everyone went over to the kitchen. Table. "pastor I am going to have you sit next to nicky. "sherry said. They put Nina in a high chair next to Nicole. He was a little taken aback that they put her next to Nicole. "Nina, if you sit next to me you have to be on your best behavior," Nicole said. Nina was a baby so she did not say anything. Everyone laughed.

Warren had matt pray for the food. it was a great time of fellowship. After the maine meal, sherry brought out dessert. It was cheesecake. It was great." this is great." matt said. "this was all nicky. nicky made the cheesecake. "she said. "Jamie did help," she said.
After the meal, they played clue. Sherry won. Matt had not laughed in a long time. After a while he decided to head home. "this was great. Thank you guys "he told warren and sherry. "no problem. Matt's are here for you ..you and the girls are families. "waren said. "thank you. I feel the same way about you guys. "he told them.
Nicole and her sisters helped matt put the kids into the van. They said there good nights. They headed home.