

The War

The loud blast startled us all. On its heels the plane nose-dived. "Jump out now!"
The squadron leader opened the hatch. It looked like a gaping gateway to hell. One by one the soldiers jumped into the dark abyss. I was the last to go...
the moments I landed it was like a different world and feeling combined together.
I just knew that here we make a difference or we will not be remembered.
I first heard it before others flash their lights, standing there was a huge beast starring at us with it sharp teeth, spits dripping down it wide mouth.
it groan like a wounded animal watching us, daring us to make a move. out of the corner of my eyes Louis Day move and raise his gun, and just like that he went missing.
I scream "run!"...... everyone started running and shooting at the same time.

I turn in time to see the beast gaining at me, with my right hand I throw one of the bombs am holding into it open mouth, and it blow away.
once we were able to secure a good location we settle and strategize on how to survive in this dark abyss. but before we could finish, we heard a rescue plane and with that we left the God forsaken abyss.

© stasiachi