

Cycling A life lesson
Life shows many ups and downs,it's just a matter how you handle it.
My father taught me,how to ride a bicycle.While I was learning, hundreds of time I have slammed on others cars, thousands of times I've fallen and millions of hurts I have got. In my colony there were many other boys who were either 5 to 6 years elder to me or 6 to 7 years younger to me, who were always seen with there bicycle in evening.They were all perfect .I was the only girl who was learning how to balance.
Sometimes when I ride people used notice me and talk bad about me and even the younger boys present there would tease me because I was not so perfect as them.
But whenever I used to feel discouraged,my father used to motivate me.
When I went on road with my bicycle for the first time,I was so scared.
But at that time if I would have allowed my fear to frail me or would have felt shameful for others teasing me so I would have never been able to learn, to ride a bicycle.

It's same in life too. It's not that the successful people were never scared of anything,they just never allowed that fear to frail them.Just move on in life even if you're scared,try to motivate yourself from the result that will come if you overcome your fear.Let people talk or say anything.There is no age limit to learn anything. People talk because they don't have anything else to do.You don't listen to those talks which discourages you because you've too much to do and you don't have time to hear them.

© Beauty writes