

Switch: The bride
I walked into the room with a white gown and my blonde hair in a bun that made me seem like I was from a Disney movie. I kept walking in the aisle with my father smiling and crying while looking at me."I'm so proud of you." My father said with a smile.

I turned to look and there I saw my groom. The man I've dreamed to be with since the 5th grade. He was standing in his red and white suit with his dark black hair slicked back and eyes wide open. His smile made my heart flutter.

I looked around as all the people I loved were standing all around me. Everything was perfect. I was living the dream life anyone could imagine.

"Pathetic" A voice whispered.

It was the voice of an old friend. What was she doing here? Why today? I thought she went on her little 'vacation' a couple weeks ago. I turned my head again to look at my maid of honor but then fainted.

Where am I? Everywhere I looked it was blue and blurry. I swore I saw fish swim by. No, not this.

Do you know the saying that what you put out comes back to you? I think I understand now.

I was stuck in a lake. It's fine. I just have to get out before I lose my breath. I tried to budge but my hands were tied and I felt, paralyzed. I tried to turn my head but nothing. My hair flew across me. It was blue and black. I don't know whats happening.

'Love sick, heart break, all you do is take. You attempted death, there's no last breath for I have the groom and your white dress.' She cackled

No! It was her, my best friend who went missing three years ago. They said she was gone for good, yet here I am stuck in her dead body with nothing to do but wait. I wanted to cry, scream, shout out. My soul is just stuck here waiting for death.

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