

I will never forget
I can never forget the joyous days of my childhood, especially the summer when all we did was swim in the river or lie on it's edge, in the winter days when we used to stay indoors and drink a nice warm cup of tea laying with a warm blanket in a very cold temperature, childhood times were very happy moments in our lives when we used play around with our childhood friends and come back home dirty and our parents used to shout at us when we come home dirty after a long play with your friends, those days when we were wild and free those days when we used run around the house just because you were bored of sitting down and scream on top of our lungs yeah we all have our childhood memories were we used have fun playing around in the hot sun and had mischief moments when awe would do mischievous Things and cry over stupid things 😆.

I sure do miss my Childhood times ,I could say that I was very mischievous but good at the same time and I will mostly not forget those fun days I had with my big sister, those days we toke pictures together and walked around our area those days we used play together even though my sister very older me but we had alot fun, I miss the moments I made with my family I miss alot in my younger years I miss my very first School trip in my 1st grade yeah I had alot of fun that Day I will never forget.

I surely miss my wild younger years. the years where there was no stress or problems for me it was all happiness and playful moments.