

The beauty in everything is you feel pain and that is an instinct felt due to forgetting to breathe. I keep hearing "she loves him" and whistles late nights after I eat my greens. We forget that the is beauty in pain and creativity. I don't know but writing helps me think. The fallen always rise like the sun. Rain fell that day was cold and for me to ease the breeze from making me shiver. I wrote myself a love letter.

Dear Me

Let's fall in love. Let's fall in love because we both deserve love. Love yourself because no one will love you like you do. Reflect into the feeling and just maybe you might feel enough pain. More pain motivates me to work harder but love myself and start being the receiver. This quote is stuck in my heart like a sticky note "Choose people who choose you". At that very moment something clicked. Three bees, three bees that shifted a dimension created by myself just to hide away from the real world. One bee represents Past, the second represents Present and the third is my future. Dreams are beautiful when understood. Believe in yourself!

We love only to leave. We love only to listen to rumors. What is love at this very moment!? Silence is my greatest escape. We live to feel pain so at least I have an idea. I know now that love is misunderstood and love can be a gun. Does love have to feel this hollow!? I feel burned but strangely happy. Life is a mother who teaches you life lessons.
So many of us feel like love is a risk. I think we all just lack trust. I stay conscious but that doesn't make me less intelligent.

I'm Gemini and I am very spiritual. I believe inner peace is the key to my success. Tears only fill up pools of success. My dream is confusing but I suddenly understand it. Nothing smells like peace. If something was not meant for me it's okay. I will wake into something even more beautiful. Yes everything and everyone is replaceable. I don't have the time to be mourning for a death I don't even know. That's how it feels to cry for someone. It's motivating and well love will always seem to amaze me.

I appreciate my gift. The gift to love , peace and happiness. The world was built on sin. Why should we focus on sin!? Why can't we focus on the great!? People with money have the power to change the world but the world won't let them. We selfish and greedy. The poor, the rich and the middle class. We are all selfish and greedy . We bringing back old into the 22nd century movements. You want to be heard, don't burn a building. Host a event and you will reach your target market only if you promote effectively. A lot of people out there could be relating to anything you pushing. Just be patient and pray.

Don't kneel to God because you want to be forgiven. Kneel because it feels good to talk to someone you can trust. Kneel because you believe a bright future awaits out there for you. I used to sit down and think about the what ifs. Now I sit down and hope for positive what ifs. When you start feeling strained , leave. I for one believe love should feel beautiful, right!? Love should be when you pray to God. I'm a very curious person.

© faithmbayela