

Impaired In The Heart Or In The Appearance?
I visited a General hospital where various illnesses can be treated with my mother one sunny saturday afternoon. While my mum has gone into the dental operatory section to visit the dentist, I sat in the reception hall as I observed my surroundings. The hall was filled with a lot of persons, mostly disabled people. Mentally and physically disabled patients crowded the reception and were not granted access to a physician for a long time. It was then I remembered a documentary that I've been privileged to view some times back. In the documentary, a lot of disabled people where discriminated against because of their incapability.
A lot of time, disabled people are discriminated against because they unfortunately found themselves in a situation where they didn't plan to be. It all starts with their family members and friends and suddenly the whole society begins to treat them differently because of their condition. They are called mad, because they are ( mentally deranged) or handicapped ( because they are physically incapacitated) by people who are meant to give them support and even in the hospital where they are meant to be cared for, they are cruelly discriminated against. Just sitting there quietly while observing everything, I could feel frustration and depression setting into my bones. Not to talk of these victims of circumstances who face these things every single day of their lives.
Why is the society retarded in her judgement and thinking? What's the government who the people elected doing to help the disabled? How are we all planning to ensure these people become their complete self again? I doubt if there's anyone ready to take up the challenge to make a change. The challenge to help the needy, to assist the disabled. This is because everyone is living for their own selfish gains.
How then can the society improve? How can the society move forward? Why wouldn't the world remain at a standstill when it's at the hands of selfish, careless and unjust people?
In a way, the society is crippled alongside these people. The society is crippled in her actions and reactions towards the plight of the unfairly treated people. The society is incapacitated by her inability to care for the less privileged. Doesn't the society also need treatment for her disability? Doesn't the country need to be awakened from her disability?
My thoughts only but I firmly believe that the society needs healing. Probably, if the society is healed, those helpless and impaired people would receive healing as well.
I shook my head as I watched these helpless and innocent people suffer.
I do not just shake my head for these disabled people, I shake my head for the country who has perished in the hearts of her people who love her not.
(Cover picture, a copy of Alamy website)

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