


I'm Amryn and I turned eighteen today.
I heard today's world memorable day.
A day of celebrating beautiful memories and spending quality time with loved ones.
Coincidentally, it fell on my birthday but sadly there's been no good memory to count back or keep.
And today was no exception either.

I woke up to a note on my nightstand. "I guess today is going to be different "..I thought.
Only to realise after a while that it was a long list of chores I have to do.
Well, I smiled and said, "At least it's better than the scolding and yelling I recieive for doing nothing wrong but trying to serve everyone."

I attended to my chores and had my breakfast. (The usual beans and rice).
I took my bath right after and stayed in my room.
There was no one home but me.
I had no one to talk to.
I've not been friends with anyone and I don't know how it feels like to have a friend.
So I stayed all by myself until mum returned later in the day.

I served her dinner and it was her favourite potato fries and vegetable chicken sauce. She spent some time talking to Nerlie and Marcus after her meal while I sat on the sofa by the corner of the hall.
I guess they'll be coming home soon.

After the long conversation,
She noticed my presence and said..

"Amryn, how long have you been there?"

"Not so long mum"..
I replied.

"ma'am not mum young girl.
how many times do you want to be corrected?"
She added.

"Sorry mum.., I mean ma'am"
I said.

have a goodnight then ".

She said and began to walk away but just then, I was reminded by a rumbling tummy how hungry I was.
I politely said, "Ma'am, I.. I.. think I'm hungry. "
She turned and said,
"Then go get yourself something to eat.
Make yourself a coffee or something.
I believe you're very much aware that we've run out of food stuffs and my husband is not in town?
It's better you learn to manage the little food we have left.
She said and walked into her room.

But unfortunately, there was no food left for me.
My first meal was my last for the day until maybe..,


when I finally get to knock on the wood..

to be continued..

© Anu_writes