

when i found "him"
You feel lonely, you feel betrayed, you feel like giving up, you feel like you've lost everything, you feel like life's been unfair, you feel like you wanna be alone, you want to cry your heart out sometimes. Everyone goes through this phase of life someday or the other. Some get themselves out of it and some need a hand to pull them out from it. Getting yourself out can be easy at a point but trusting someone after being hurt, believing that they're not gonna leave you letting you be in a dead forest, is fucking hard! But not knowing if this person will turn out to be good or selfish, you still trust him more than yourself, you tell your heart that he isn't the same, he's not gonna let you face that again, is the most difficult decision.

Ask me how it feels, how it feels to trust love after losing all you gathered up till now. How it feels when out of nowhere he comes and picks you up again, make you believe in love, make you feel love, tries his best giving you all you deserve. Yeahhh he does ! He does that for me! He made me believe that i can be loved too. He always keeps fixing all the pieces i was left into. And now i know I'm in love! I'm in love with that guy!

It's different, it's something really different when you meet a person who wants you to stay happy. A person who cares about your thoughts. He who makes you realise that you can love for the second time. That one person who melts your heart by caring for you more than himself. When he sows a seed of love in your dead forest, and take care of it until it becomes the most powerful and strongest that showers you with happiness, love, peace and joy for the entire life.
That hits different!
That feeling is inexpressible.I feel really lucky to have such a person in my life. My best friend, my care taker, my love all three in one person itself. What's more better than this.

He cares for me so much that sometimes i feel like i don't deserve him. His love, his trust everything got me so hard.
I still don't believe that i have him in my life. Tho our love wasn't "love at first sight" one , it developed gradually, his personality, his voice, his eyes, his hair, the way he looks away and smiles made me realise that he's the one i was looking for.

And my dear Mr. Perfect i wanna tell you that,
you make me feel like home, you are my comfort zone, your presence makes me happy, you always make me smile no matter how sad I am,
what kinder gift can someone give another one ?
Love, perhaps , should always be this simple!

You know what i think, the one who loves the moon, loves it even when it isn't there in the sky too, and i wish to be that moon in your life. <3