

Hotel Motel: A Case for the Sock Market
Christopher Charles, a boy, sat at a desk in his tree house called Treebox. Across from his desk was another cubicle. 'Half-Pint Press' was scrawled carelessly across a paper hastily tacked to its exterior. There in the cubicle sat a cat named Daniel Daniels scrolling down a series of text he had drafted for an upcoming article for the daily edition.

"So, I finally got an idea," said Daniel nonchalantly as he edited the file.

"What's the idea?"

"We build a thirty story hotel and then put a discount motel on the lot across from the pool."

"Thirty stories...are you serious?"

"I've already crunched the numbers, that's 360 rooms not including the penthouse."

"Plus a motel?"

"Well, yeah it's in the name."

"What's the point?"

"The motel drives sales by making the hotel appealing while accommodating the poor."

"This will never work, how do you plan to fund it?"

"Private investing and a grant from the bank-- plus the real estate is literally dirt cheap."

"Nobodies going to invest anything, your idea is broken."

"Really Chris? Hotel Motel is catchy and catchy is catching on."

"Just because the name of the business has a ring to it doesn't mean it will be successful."

"Chris, that's basically what business is."

"Since when have you been a business expert?" Christopher stands up and walks over to Daniels desk, on the way he steps on an empty bag. "Have you been eating katnip again?"

"What? C'mon look at all the major sock listings, these blue trim socks--their names all have uber sway."

"uber sway?" Christopher scrunched his face, disgusted.

"I dunno, sounds catchy--that's the point! You gotta be catchy to catch attention. I mean Look!" Daniel navigates to a new web page. He types Iddle Saddle Sock Index in the search query and a list of websites populate on the screen, he scrolls down to an official web page and clicks it. "Now looky here," he said clicking the hyperlink: listings. A table of acronyms and numbers appeared with green and red arrows indicating the daily rates.

Christopher leans in, "AA, AU, GJMP?"

"Ann's Attic, Accelerated Unaffiliated, and God-Only-Knows Joe's Meat Packaging llc.," explained Daniel scrolling down the table.

"KK, HHG,"

Kit&Kettle, Ho-Ho's to Go, it goes on forever, Kitty. All of them catchy."

Christopher stood up. Well, I can see your point. Still, I feel compelled to argue this issue.

"Are you trying to instigate a trail by jury?" Said Daniel narrowing his eyes.

"Its not a trial, its a 'special judicial operation'."

Daniel laughed in Russian so Christopher knew he got the joke. At length he looked at the boy. "Okay then Cinderella, file your allegation in litsim (litigation simulator) and we'll settle this spat with retort & report!


"Can you at least tell me why?" Said Daniel spinning the chair away from the screen to face Christopher.

"It's not normal--catchy catchphrases are a very limited mental resource. Normal people cant just summon them on command."

"Well I'm not people," said the cat turning around to scroll back through the listings.

"You're trying to be!"

Daniel didn't respond, absorbed in the listing.

"Whatever. get ready cause I was forreal about that invite."

"Your seriously sending me to court? We both know this case won't stand, I mean what kind of evidence are you going to submit? witnesses?" The cat laughed.

"Well we aren't implementing any ideas without testing them."

"I'm tired of scientific baggage slowing us down!"

"Well I'm tired of running our companies into the ground because they are plagued with unsustainable programs!" Said Christopher returning to his desk. He opened Litigation Simulator and began drafting his case.

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