

cast your burden away

You are not alone you may feel alone, frustrated, angry, overwhelmed and even tired, tired of living not wanting to go on anymore but there's hope ones you can believe. Everyday we try to live up to the expectations of what others want us to be and that's why we put so much pressure on ourselves when we don't fulfill that expectations.
But our life is ours and what we decide to do with it affects no one but ourselves. They can't feel our pain or hear our thoughts and they definitely can't walk in our shoes. Who are we living for ? And what's the purpose of us living ?
Let me tell you : you're living for yourself, you're living so you can make the world a better place, your living because you want to shape and mold the world. A lot of us was taught wrongfully, we were brainwashed into thinking that we are less, that we are not worth it that we are not important and that if we are not rich or we are not educated we are no one but that's a lie everyone is someone, everyone is important and anyone can make a difference. When we die our status, our degrees, achievements, possessions does not go with us in the grave, we are nobody but a rotten corps.
Cast all your problems , your worries, your insecurities and your pain away and reflect on how you can become a better version of who you are today. You are beautiful, strong and courageous and hold the power to shape your life, so get up look in the mirror and say I'm a winner and I'm worth it because I'm casting all my burden aside.

© Keryiann Mcneil