

Today (Metanoia)

29th December 2023

I'm filling with happiness and prosperity right now.
I can't able to forget today, I'm lazy to write but still I can't leave today without Sculpturing it somewhere.

Today my dad's headmaster visited us.
it was very eye-catching moment for me, I got to see my dad very much happy like this.
the headmaster came with his wife and his son, he said to me call him "Chithappa" means a relation bond of father side.
and his son (Chithappa) was married and got two kids of teen.
my dad's headmaster told me to call him thatha (Grandfather).

I was so happy that how my dad feel like.
he was so close to him, with their meet I found out my dad's past.
it was so heart wrenching and inspiring to me.
my dad is my real life role model.
and my mom is my real life savior.
without them, I might already lost.

it was those memories, you can't forget.
I recollected a lot, my dad's mom, my grandma was so much remembered today.
headmaster's wife was very sad to know my grandma's dead.

well it's okay, life takes peoples to know the values of peoples like them in earth.

I got good amount of Friends, and I guess we'll meeting them soon.
as my dad is a Tanjore Artist, he gifted a painting to them.
it feels so really.
I really enjoyed and came to know a lot of things.
it was so vibing!!

me and chithappa! that's cool, we vibe!
extroverts!! vibe😂

today was fun, and I will always remember my dad and mom.

being together has a family is power
be with peoples who lift you up!

© Hazel