


Regina: (explains a complex design out in a board meeting of potential investors.... But in a rough way) ".... So that's it. This is the end of my presentation and it's upto you to decide...."

Executive 1: "Woah woah woah.... Could you pls stop mentioning us informally and presenting impolitely about your product. I was hoping at some point you will correct yourself, but till the end you remained the same. Why do you really think that we will agree your proposal?? And with that attitude???" (Scoffs)

Regina: "I'm sorry. I really appreciate your concern, but I don't need to polish my words. I don't have time for that actually." (Not even making eye contact while talking this and just picking up her files)

Executive 2: "Excuse us!! You don't have time, while we do!??... Really??"

Regina: (Sighs.... Presses her temples and scrons her forehead) "Ok, Listen!.... I have a lot of stuffs to do, lot of things to think upon, I don't even have the time to organise myself. I'm just selling my idea, if you gonna buy it or not, it's upto you, your call. But at the end of the day the loss is not mine. Somewhere out in this world, there is someone who will accept my idea as it is, for its own worth. And I'm gonna chase that someone, even if it's to the end of the world. And if that someone is you, then you are helping both of us from a long journey."

Everyone in the meeting room: (Stares at Regina for the breathless talk and blinking their eyes at each other)

Regina: (Not minding anyof them)"....I'll be waiting outside by giving you guys some space to discuss. Oh, by the way, if anyone is gonna talk about my attitude after I walk out of this room, you better save it up for the 'after-meeting-gossips' (air quotes), so that you can save up the meeting time for making some wise decisions about the project. And talking about my attitude is way much irrelevant for the topic of this meeting." (She stroms away from the room with her files)

Executive 3: (Sarcastically smiling) "So she made us not to talk about her attitude deliberately!!???"

Head Executive: (Scoffs) "Oh, you moron! She's just chasing after the time. She just need answers ASAP. Because if we are not gonna buy her idea she needs to chase after her next target investor."

Executive 4: "And what if we buy her idea?"

Head Executive: "Then that's even worse. Putting down the plan and implementing is much more tiresome than going after another target investor. And that too for a company of our scale and popularity, I'm sure she will be asked to work for days and nights together. Isn't she?"

"Ok. Now let's cast a vote for approval. Whoever impressed with the idea raise your hands."

(3 out of 7 executives raise their hands, excluding the Head Executive, as he was the judge of the vote call)

Head Executive: "So why you guys are opposing her idea? For me it seems impressive enough. If I had casted a vote, the poll would have been a draw, right!?"

Executive 1: "I think I can speak for other executives who said no along with me."

(Others nods at her as giving an approval for speaking on behalf of them)

Executive 1:(Continues)"....Her idea is splendid. But her mindset is dangerous. I'm not talking about her attitude but her mindset. She is so rigid at her thoughts, if we find some flaws with her plan she might explode and quit. And that will results in huge loss for us."

Head Executive: "You are right. But while we call her in you have to put this in a way that Regina will understand."

(Executives nods together and after sometime Regina was called inside the room)

Head Executive: "Regina, we are glad to inform you that we are ready to accept your offer, but on one condition." (Head Executive said it in one stroke)

Regina: "What condition?"(Tilts her head)

Executive 1: "Considering the fact that you are a new recruit and your idea is really fresh, our company is putting in a considerable amount of risk for you. So you have to reward us somehow."

Regina: "And that is?"

Executive 1:"And that is to consider the opinions of our senior executives and our experts, if at any point of time they feel like there are some flaws in ur plan and implementation. You have to analyse and come up with some alternatives for us to discuss and decide upon. And also with full cooperation, ofcourse."

Regina: "And why would you thought that I won't be cooperative!?"

Executive 1: "Because of the way you put urself out before us. It was like...."(Hesitates....)

Regina: "Like??"

Executive 1: "Like a glass jar. Rigid, sturdy and beautiful, but at the same time fragile. It will be shattered into pieces if a mere stone was thrown at it. So vunerable."

Regina: (Nods non-chalantly and smiles) "Okay, condition accepted. Let's get to work."

-The End-
© srimesmer