

Deshrey's mother was always working for as they were very poor. Deshrey would always get in trouble at school and everywhere, she never abided by the rules and always chose the easy way out of life-Criminal activity. She started climbing her way up the racks and soon became an important figure in the criminal world.

One day however she met a man who seemed to have a high status, he was an important figure in the underground. Deshrey tried to steal from him but he caught her, it is then revealed that the man is her father and that all this time he was watching his daughter thrive up the criminal world. So he took her and trained her until she couldn't anymore and overworked her body,
He says that Deshrey has burning passion of sorts, in reality he's using his daughter. He started sending her on missions and assassination attempts to develop her skills which worked out just great.

Deshrey one day is blindly given the task to assassinate her mother, she heads over to the location and recognises it as her home,but rebuilt?

Deshrey breaks down in tears as she sees her mother for the first time after years, her mother however has moved on and got herself a new family and forgotten about Deshrey. Deshrey and her mother lock eyes, she runs towards her mother, but her mother doesn't recognise her- turns out that after Deshrey went missing, her mother felt an insane amount of grief and pain, so much so to the point where she forgot about her daughter willingly, which was a promise she made to herself the day she met her new husband.

Deshrey's father shows up on the scene, they have an awkward reunion. Deshrey stares at her mother with teary eyes, but she receives a blank stare from her mother. Deshrey's father then tells her that her mother has forgotten of her and that her biggest problem was Deshrey- her mother now had the life she's longed for and is married to a wealthy businessman.

Deshrey is heartbroken, both by the fracturing effects her father's "training" had on her and her mother's replacement of her. Her two half sisters come running and see Deshrey, Her mother's husband joins in. He is then punched by Deshrey's father and a fight breaks out between the men as Deshrey is lost in her thoughts. The children were crying, her mother too and the men kept exchanging blows. All this noise and the heartbreak are affecting Deshrey's autism and she starts to lose herself.

Deshrey is overwhelmed by everything and tired of everyone, knowing that she had nobody else in this world that could love her anymore or ever. Her eyes then. Light up with green and purple flames, as Deshrey starts radiating fire from her body.

Everyone looks at her scared, her father stops the fighting and runs to hug his daughter...Deshrey bursts into an explosion of flames, an explosion so big it blew up the whole street, it polluted the air too. Deshrey was now alone surrounded by flames, she then looks around with teary eyes to see the damage she's caused - Deshrey laughs with tears falling down her eyes, as she realises the type of villain she is.

Deshrey went on to be the ruler of her universe as nobody could stop her Hot headed reign, until a rift opens up. Silverbane comes out of it, he requests that Deshrey joins this team of villains he is building and hands her a card. She holds the card for a second, then burns it, she inquired what's in on this team that will benefit her? Silverbane states that there is a team and she will be able to use her powers for other purposes such as killing those who defy her reign. This makes Deshrey think about whether she joins or not, to which she said she will after a while. Silverbane then asks her to take her time and goes through the rift.

The sky is nice and blue, we see Deshrey as she stares off into the city full of green and purple flames, destruction everywhere.

She smiles, a butterfly lands on her finger to which she says "the burn marks hurt more than the marks of betrayal" she burns the butterfly and joins Silverbane.

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