

Vile Destruction
The time I remember I felt like dying, I gave up on all that was around me. The people, the place, the hope inside of me, what was I thinking? Wake me up, it's a bad dream!

My pain was deepening. She looked into my eyes and said vile things, things that the soft hearted will merely fall and rip off. For me it took a while to break apart but in the end my hope was a thin line away for dying.

I cried, my face hurt, my body hot. I felt there was no tears left inside of me. How will they not see I'm hurting, how will they not see what is happening. Everyday it happened just like the sun rises and sets up high, so did a day's trouble came knocking by until I was destroyed for the day and it bade goodbye. I felt a cold darkness around me, I couldn't focus on reality. I felt like a slave of fear, maltreatment and hurt until one day I Came up with a guide.

© jendahma's guide