

By The End of the time ES06
After a few days !

Your condition is getting worse and worse and I don’t think that we will be able to give you the kind of treatment
you need here said the doctor. It’s okay doctor just keep trying. My end will be what my God has written for
Doctor I have a request can you please invite my family I will meet them through the glass door please …
The moment he saw his daughter he was not able to stick to his promise of not crying Infront of his family … he
just sat and cried for two hours straight after that his family was said to leave… he wanted to say them millions
of things … he wanted to tell his wife how much he loved her …he wanted his baba ana mama to tell that they
are the best parents and the thing he wanted the most was to hold her daughter…
That night he was dead staring the window and was thinking that this death is painful. you cannot hug your family
you cannot touch them you cannot see the world. You cannot interact with people. you are just stuck in a room
and are forced to see yourself dying…. that is painful ……nah nah that is something more than that…
We have just received the news that the person who was first reported case of coronavirus in Pakistan named
sharum Ibrahim had just died at 9:00am.
T. V launch was in a state of pin drop silence. suddenly they heard the siren of ambulance .and his wife started
crying and yelling … in just a few hours their house was filled with dozens of people to morn on sharum Ibrahim’s
After a few days a parcel came to their home mentioning that it contains the things sharum had left for you. His
wife immediately took that from his baba and tore it apart and found a diary inside. then she started reading it loudly...