

If I Could Change the World
If I could change the world, I would start with the hearts of the people. Building unity and compassion in the communities. No more hating, arguing, shunning, or condemning anyone. No more violence or death for no good reasons.

Couples would learn to value each other. Learning to work out issues and build dreams as true partners. They would know the value of compromise. Each would know their own place and value in the relationship. No more divorce to escape. No more power over the other. Only love and respect allowed.

Children would see the true value in the family unit. Understanding where their place is and being respected for it. They would learn morals of togetherness, sharing, and caring. Being grateful for what they had and being content with it all. Refusing selfishness or inconsideration for others.

Each family would have their fair share. Equality would be valued. No one would have too much. No one would have too little. There would be no more homeless or hungry. As families would learn to work together in communities.

The laws of the God of the Universe would be the law for every country on earth. They would be upheld in every corner and every inch in between. No person on earth would have the right to change them.

Each person would build their own dreams. Making them realities. All the resources of the earth would be shared with every person according to need. The world would see the beauty of each dream.

Every child in each generation would have the law implanted in their hearts. They would know and feel their own value among the many on earth. Building dreams and goals that would go higher and higher with each generation.

Each child would know the value of hard work, perseverance, and accomplishment. Each one would build their own self-worth in the mix of joys. There would be no one better than the other.

The values and beliefs of each culture would be understood and respected. Sharing the many values in the mix of unity. Every individual in the world would understand the values of the differences.

Can the world really live in harmony? Could it all come true? It may feel like fantasy or a dream world. It may feel impossible in real life as chaos abounds. But, if we all worked together, it could become reality. The world would be a better place.

© Becky M Scranton