

Everyone that comes into your life or leaves, came for a purpose, and when they finish serving the purpose they came for, they will either live or stay depending on what stage you are in your journey of life, it is all part of the divine plan and structure.

Don't regret anything in life, only work on correcting the past from repeating, everything is a lesson or healing, don't try to hold on to people or things that no longer serve you, and learn to let go when the need arises.

It might hurt when people leave your life, but trust the process, they left so they will create room for you to get whom you deserve.

It could be the other way round, maybe the left so that you will know that you need to work more on yourself to become a better version of yourself for your next relationship.

If you lost a job or you failed in something, don't beat yourself up too much about it, and keep whining, stand up and look for another job or learn from your failure and try to do what you failed in from a different angle again.

Trust the process, I don't know what works for you, but my faith in God has never failed me, it is all I need when I put in the necessary work into a relationship, creativity from my ideas, or any given task at hand, I just lay back and watch the full manifestation of Gods glory through my works.

All you need is to work hard at achieving whatever it is you desire and pray to your God for guidance and assistance because your FAITH changes your FATE.

©F.I.D libraries