

The Mirror
lThe mirror is there, it does not change,
as day after day, it sees it all.
If you really look, at jusr what you see,
it will reveal to you, all it saw.
So as I look, into that mirror now,
with my eyes, wide open.
The reflection it revealed back to me,
a little more. than I was hoping.
For it has no bars, restraining it,
as it holds nothing back.
It can only reveal, just what it sees,
you may not like the answer, as a matter a fact.
I could see the pain, the disappointment, in the eyes, the reflection staring back at me.
Year's I have wandered lost, in the dark,
lived a life most would never see.
A life that shown nothing but heartach,
to much fucking pain.
Sometimes moving on, it just seems
is just purely insane.
deeper I look into the mirror, each day
in the reflection, that I see.
Is a man, who's lost it all,
screaming out, why did this, have to be.
And I wonder to myself,
at my grave, just what would be said.
An atmosphere, of love and loss,
or anger, and hatred,, where everybody, wished I was dead.
For these are those thoughts,I need to get out of my mind.
Need to look deeper, for,
any good thoughts or memories I can find
So when you look into a mirror,
next time, it's a truth, you can believe.
For its only the truth, nothing else,
that you will receive.

© David Lowell Eads Jr.