

Maturnity Ward
What I hate about the maturnity ward is the level of not caring from some of the midwives they like to tell you the one in pain how your feeling as if you don't know what your body is telling you. I have been feeling pain for months which they tend to call it Braxton Hicks contractions but these contraction was so intense I couldn't really differentiate labor pain from Braxton Hicks, anyhow I ended up being admitted for a day and then was tested positive for covid as if I didn't have enough to deal with already so I was put on 14 days quarantine. Leading up to that forwarding two weeks after I was in Tremendous pain from the week before my clinic visit and it was terrible, anyhow the Wednesday night I could not sleep so I decided I was going to a visit to the doctor the following morning I woke up and headed to the doctor office I got check and was told my cervix was still long and I'm not vome back when I'm in labor or my water broke. The pain was just so intense I couldn't understand it so I was frustrated to the point of tears and decided I was not going for my appointment visit which would be the Friday. However my hubby was like no you need to attend because today and tomorrow is to different day but I didn't want to go because the doctor had said my cervix still long so there's no way it's labor pain.

I woke up the Friday morning day of my clinic visit and was having the same contractions pain which I timed was coming every ten minutes. When it was my time to see the doctor I explained to her what was happening to me and so she exam me and to my surprise I was 4 cm dilated, can you believe that I went from cervix still long to 4 cm overnight. The doctor was about to admit me but I didn't have my bags and I wouldn't have

The doctor burse my head water and trust me not even a minute after it broke I started feeling some pain thats not normal I don't believe no What I hate about the maturnity ward is the level of not caring from some of the midwives they like to tell you the one in pain how your feeling as if you don't know what your body is telling you. I have been feeling pain for months which they tend to call it Braxton Hicks contractions but these contraction was so intense I couldn't really differentiate labor pain from Braxton Hicks, anyhow I ended up being admitted for a day and then was tested positive for covid as if I didn't have enough to deal with already so I was put on 14 days quarantine. Leading up to that forwarding two weeks after I was in Tremendous pain from the week before my clinic visit and it was terrible, anyhow the Wednesday night I could not sleep so I decided I was going to a visit to the doctor the following morning I woke up and headed to the doctor office I got check and was told my cervix was still long and I'm not come back when I'm in labor or my water broke. The pain was just so intense I couldn't understand it so I was frustrated to the point of tears and decided I was not going for my appointment visit which would be the Friday. However my hubby was like no you need to attend because today and tomorrow is to different day but I didn't want to go because the doctor had said my cervix still long so there's no way it's labor pain.

I woke up the Friday morning day of my clinic visit and was having the same contractions pain which I timed was coming every ten minutes. When it was my time to see the doctor I explained to her what was happening to me and so she exam me and to my surprise I was 4 cm dilated, can you believe that I went from cervix still long to 4 cm overnight. The doctor was about to admit me but I didn't have my bags and I wo seeuldn't have anyone to bring my stuff for me so I ask her just to give me 5 minutes to get my stuff because I lived near by and so she allowed me to get my stuff. Now the juicy part of this entire story I was sent to labor ward did the normal check routine was given a bed during this time now the pain was getting stronger but the doctor a very nice doctor which I met before because she was the doctor who admitted me the first time and did the covid test on me. Told me she's going to exam me and if she sees it fit she's going to burse the head water but she warned me that when it's burst the pain will get way intense.

The doctor burse my head water and trust me not even a minute after it broke I started feeling some pain thats not normal I don't believe no human being should endure such pain, but Everytime the pain hit me I said Jesus loves me and it did help repeatind it over and over again I even started singing just to deatract myself from the pain and let me tell you I felt like it was the end. The pain a woman as to endure to bring forth a life into this world is crazy. Anyhow it was time for change of shift and the doctor explained to the midwife that she broke my head water if I didn't progress in the next hour or two to induce me so that was that. The pain was so intense I was asking for pain reliever but they explain no pain reliever can't stop the pain that your in. The nurse came/midwives and said the doctor said to give me an injection to be honest she explained it was but I don't remember what the purpose of the injection was for all I knew is that I said yes to it. After receiving the injection let me tell you I never knew pain like that existed. For those who are mother's know what I'm talking about the pain no longer was radiating from my bottom but radiating to the vagina and I taught at that moment I saw heaven and hell because I was in both place at once. 

A hour had not pass since my head water was burst or since Ive gotten the injection all i knew is I felt the urge to push and the first time I felt it I told the nurse I felt like pushing she look at me as if I was bothering her and look away from me I felt like pushing a second time and I called out to the nurse and said nurse "I feel like pushing"  she looked at me and said "mother breathe in the pain that's all you're supposed to feel".   The third time I felt like pushing I screamed out loudly and said nurse the baby is coming and that's when she got up and said I must lay down for her to exam me and low and behold it was the baby. I had been praying and asking my God to let me have a quick delivery. The nurse then went for a wheel chair and wheeled me over to the labor ward and at this point the nurse is getting to me I see the demon working within her but I was determined not to loose my temper or show any sign of weakness because my number one goal was to deliver a healthy and alive baby. My hands are on fire now like for part two the worse is yet to be talked about.

human being should endure such pain, but Everytime the pain hit me I said Jesus loves me and it did help repeatind it over and over again I even started singing just to deatract myself from the pain and let me tell you I felt like it was the end. The pain a woman as to endure to bring forth a life into this world is crazy. Anyhow it was time for change of shift and the doctor explained to the midwife that she broke my head water if I didn't progress in the next hour or two to induce me so that was that. The pain was so intense I was asking for pain reliever but they explain no pain reliever can't stop the pain that your in. The nurse came/midwives and said the doctor said to give me an injection to be honest she explained it was but I don't remember what the purpose of the injection was for all I knew is that I said yes to it. After receiving the injection let me tell you I never knew pain like that existed. For those who are mother's know what I'm talking about the pain no longer was radiating from my bottom but radiating to the vagina and I taught at that moment I saw heaven and hell because I was in both place at once.
A hour had not pass since my head water was burst or since Ive gotten the injection all i knew is I felt the urge to push and the first time I felt it I told the nurse I felt like pushing she look at me as if I was bothering her and look away from me I felt like pushing a second time and I called out to the nurse and said nurse "I feel like pushing" she looked at me and said "mother breathe in the pain that's all you're supposed to feel". The third time I felt like pushing I screamed out loudly and said nurse the baby is coming and that's when she got up and said I must lay down for her to exam me and low and behold it was the baby. I had been praying and asking my God to let me have a quick delivery. The nurse then went for a wheel chair and wheeled me over to the labor ward and at this point the nurse is getting to me I see the demon working within her but I was determined not to loose my temper or show any sign of weakness because my number one goal was to deliver a healthy and alive baby.
This nurse she's acting as if she don't care or if she hates her job because that's the vibes I'm getting from her, now I'm in the labor room and she told me to get on the bed and turn on the side note people each time the contraction comes on I feel like pushing a contraction hit me and I screamed out nurse the baby coming she look at me with the most disgust on her face and said, " breathe in the pain mother," this woman taking her time to gather the equipment and I'm not exaggerating I'm being serious here, she took her time and the pain lick me again and I had to hold in the pain don't know where i got that much strength from but I did it. When the nurse please herself she ask me to turn around and when I feel the pain I much push. Let me tell you all through my time at the hospital because I was not feeling anything before. The more clod blood that got removed the more pain I started feeling. I was crying at this point because it was terrible. The doctor announced that she got out all of it and I was cleaned up and back to my baby. The pain was so bad I was still feeling labor pain after I have given birth.

Giving birth is not easy it's life or death and the level or professionalism is good and bad because I got both of it but mostly I got the good ones and I must say I give thanks for the ones who deliver my son even thou she acted as if her job was a burden to her. There's so much to talk about that goes on within the labor ward.
© Keryiann Mcneil