

Yoga means to join or unite one's mind and body.To connect mind, body and soul.. people who practice yoga religiously and achieve a level where they can perform all yogic activities correctly are the yogi...Knowing ourselves can be one of the best things we could possess and yoga gives us just!! There are different types of yoga. all yogic practises lead to a common goal of achieving oneness of “ mind, body and soul”.

The ultimate purpose of every yogic kriya is the attainment of supreme consciousness or to meet supreme God.The two main types of yoga are “Ashtanga Yoga and Iyengar Yoga”. There are also 6 other types of yoga, which are significant in their own practises.

the meaning of Ashtanga Yoga??

Ashtanga is derived from two words “Ashta and Anga”. These two words find their origin in “Sanskrit” , one of the world's oldest languages, in which all secret sciences, mythology and epics of Hinduism were written by sages many thousand years ago..

The fundamentals are based on the yoga philosophy of Maharishi Patanjali..

History of Ashtanga Yoga?

Ashtanga Yoga is an inseparable part of Yoga and its practises. Yoga dates back to 5000 years B.C. Thus, Ashtanga Yogic practises find its root in 5000 years old book of “Patanjali Yoga Sutra” compiled by great sages of that era. (Sages means spiritual mentor or teacher)

In Vedic Philosophy “Lord Shiva” is refered as the first yogi, and Saptharishis are considered to be the first batch of students..

What are the eight limbs of Ashtanga Yoga?

It focuses on the eight limbs mainly and teaches how to practice the yoga postures correctly. These eight limbs are the soul of Ashtanga Yoga. No, yogic practises can be complete or fulfilled without touching these eight limbs fundamentals.

The Eight limbs of Ashtanga Yoga:-

1.Yama – It explains the principles of moral code of conduct.

2.Niyama – It talks about personal disciplines.

3.Asana – It focuses on yogic positions and yogic practises.

4.Pranayama – It concentrates on controlling your breath.

5.Pratyahara – Its ultimate focus is to transcend to withdrawal of senses.

6.Dharana – It’s mainly about concentration on objects.

7.Dhyana – It ultimately leaves us concerned with meditation.

8.Samadhi – It encourages us to move forth