

It's really important to protect yourself from your own thoughts.
your thoughts can kill you or heal you from inside. If something is hurting you inside ,it's how you react on other people's opinions or by their behaviour. you can only be strong mentally when you free yourself from worry ,fear n other people's criticism like what will he think of me ,bla bla bla.......etc. You will not found positive people wherever you go but you can be a positive person in every situation. people will not behave or do according to your will ,they can be good or evil ,it's their choice. but in every situation you can choose to be good. when you don't want to hurt anyone , it's good . but when someone is hurting you continuously ,what will you do ? can you remain calm ? if you choose to remain calm ,then how much time will you continue it ? if you will do this ,you will suffocate n negative thoughts will fill in your mind n you can go through depression. what is the solution for it ? Either you can face the problem Or leave it as soon as possible ,if you can't solve it. It's the funda of life. Time is running always out in your life. why will you suffocate in it ,make yourself free from all things that distrubs your inner peace. Day one or one day ,it's your decision what will you do with yourself n not with others. you can only change yourself. Be responsible for yourself, for your peace of mind ,for your happiness . No one will do it for you unless yourself.
Promise me that you will always be their for yourself .
Good Night Everyone.
© ©sony