

I don't remember the day when they first come into my head.
One would come one day, then a week or so another would come.
I do not know how long this went on untill my head was full of voices, some quite, some loud.
They all screamed the same thing. The thing that sounded like heaven me.
Yes, that would be the answer. The only way out.
I have heard people call it the "cowards way out" but I didn't care. Maybe I was a coward. Maybe that was why I was cursed with schizophrenia.
"I am not a coward." I mumbled under my breath, reaching for the gun.
The gun, I had bought it about a year ago, before or after the voices and illusions was unclear to me. It seemed they had always been with me, they had a way of stretching the hours to days.
It was heavy, cold.
Was I sure?
Right then I saw a shadow from the comet of my eye. It edged closer.
Yes, I was sure.
I held it to my head.

Please, don't go out this way, you don't deserve it.

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