

It's a new day,
It's filled with with good and bad things,
A life is brought into the world,
Yet another is taken away,
Search for happiness and you might not find,
Yet an encounter with sadness is inevitable,
Almost like everyday is filled with exchange of both good and bad.

The sun starts the day with with us,
Yet we end the day with the moon,
Just as the fowls starts the day with us,
Fire flies ends the with us at night,
Nature of life itself shows us nothing is equal,
All things are mixed with it's opposite,
That's the beauty of life,
That's what makes life interesting.

What you seek you seem not to get,
What you you get you never asked for,
Heart filled with emotions not known to,
Keeping you awake at night,
The night seemingly looks longer,
Praying for the day to arrive,
Yet it seems like the night keeps getting longer,
Yet everything is worth it's existence.

For the strength of men are in accordance with their experiences,
Knowledge gained through these experiences,
Not as to how you faced encounters you prayed for,
But how you faced the ones you never wished for,
Throwing you off the cliff of your senses,
Leaving your mind scattered and not without cause,
Yet how did you never loose your sanity,
That's maturity.

You never gain but never stop fighting,
Hopes lost in you yet you never gave up on yourself,
Everything set in motion never coincidental,
Everything and everyone has a purpose,
Whether good or bad,
It doesn't matter if you wanted it,
What matters is that it's arrived,
Be careful not to loose the purpose of it's arrival.