

The Magic Bag
Once long time ago, there was a man he used to wake up early in the morning and go to forest for cutting woods. After he take the woods to sell . one day he gets up early and gets deep in the forest. There he founds a door hiding in bushes . He got scared but he entered there after entering what he saw i can't describe. He saw that it was like a palace everything of need was available.
So, he gets deep inside it. After walking a long time he saw a city. He goes there but what he see that so many statue were placed there . He gets more deep now he saw a man he asked him about statues. He told that long years ago due to some unidentified people came and taked some people with him and made other statue and i somehow get escaped.
Is there any way to made them human again? said the man. Yes said the man but you have to risk your life for this . Tell me i will do it . you have to make a long journey you will get all information in this map and remember do not be greedy . oterwise you will be also made statue said the man . Other man said i will keep this in mind .

In the journey you will also face problems . The man started his journey and he travelled through forests and sea . After travelling 2 years one day he reached to a palace where he found so many guards secretly in night he gets inside the palace but he found nothing there. So he was shocked. But it was not getting setteled in his mind. So he started sespecting there and after a hard work he founded it and that was a puzzle but when he touched the puzzle a very scary voice came from his back. When he saw back he founded a very ....... very .... scary person standing there, he gets scare but the scary person was laughing the man said who are you the scary person said i am your death . Man said leave me so the scary person said no i will not leave you if you want your life you have to do my ................................................ .......... ................... ...................................... ......................................... ............................. ............................... ......................................

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