

The airport
I was sitting at my terminal, thinking about her.. Wondering if I should have called her up and met her one last time before we left.. Wondering if I should call her to say good bye, or would a text be sufficient.. I am not good at good byes.. Had I known, the last time we saw each other was really the last time, even then I might not had been able to bid her farewell.. I don't know what came upon my mind that I got this sudden urge to grab a cup of coffee.. I got up from my seat and started walking.. I came across a few shops, but for some reason I didn't stop.. May be I was hoping that if I walked far enough I might run into her.. Her flight could have been 2 days ago or 2 days later, for all I knew.. It was by some miracle that she was there, sitting a few seats away from one of the coffee shops.. I had recognised her from the back.. Her hair, her ears, her pale cheeks, her thin arms, I could not be mistaken, it was her.. I started panicking and stood in the coffee line.. I had not planned this far.. I never thought I'd see her again.. Just as I was about to place my order I heard her voice, she was calling my name.. I didn't turn, for all I knew it was my stressed out mind playing tricks on me.. Then I heard it again, "Hey, I'm calling you.. Aren't you gonna turn?", she said with a childlike sweetness.. I looked back, she was standing there with the cutest little grin on her face.. "Ohh, sorry.. Didn't quite hear you earlier", said I.. We started walking and talked about random stuff for the next hour or so.. Life was good.. She asked me, "Weren't you gonna grab a coffee?".. "Well, may be I came looking for you", I winked.. She gave her classic cute shy smile and pushed me a little.. "You know, this is probably the last time we will ever see each other", I said.. "Why do you have to be like that? Why do you always break off all your friendships when you leave a place?", she said with sadness in her voice, her smile faded away.. "You know, all this long distance friendships and stuff doesn't work.. It feels like it's just for formality.. We've discussed this before".. She didn't say anything, just glazed me with her big puppy eyes.. Before I knew it, she wrapped her arms around my neck and lightly hugged me.. "If this is the last time, then let me hug you at least", she said.. She knew I didn't like physical touch.. I wrapped my arms around her waist and hugged her tightly.. We could feel each other's heart beat rising.. After a minute or so, we loosened our grips a bit and stared into each other's eyes.. The unsaid bond we had formed over the past few years, started toying with us.. Neither of us had ever told the other, or anyone else what we really felt for each other.. For the world, including the both of us, we were just good friends.. But in that moment, the unspoken feelings started taking the better of us.. We touched our foreheads and closed our eyes.. I playfully poked her nose with mine.. We both leaned in and kissed for the first and the last time.. Within a minute her flight's final call was made.. I let go of her.. She turned and started walking away.. I guess I wasn't the only one who wasn't good at byes.. I whispered "Bye bye", but she was no longer there to hear it.. I could feel her crying as she walked away.. I turned my back and walked away as well.. That was the last time I ever saw her.. I never told anyone about that day.. Neither of us ever contacted the other ever since..