

Me.CEO's secretary
Chapter 3 First Encounter.

I yelled at Jessie on my way to the door "coming dear"she rushed out and locked that door and headed by where her car was.

It is really annoying to know that she is doing all this for her so called 'prince charming'instead of me her best friend, frustrating, isn't it.

After a forty minute drive, I reached the building where I am going to start working, truth be told , it's really huge than I expected .I moved out of the car and waved to my friend before entering the building.

"Excuse me miss, I am Samantha Westlok the new secretary of Mr Smiley, can you direct me to his office please?"I asked the lady on the reception.

She looked at me with a surprised expression, I was dunbfounded.Why would she look at me like that.She later recovered herself and answered me"oh, you turn right and enter the elevator to the sixteenth floor "

I thanked her and hurried to the elevator. I entered as I checked the time on my watch, it's almost time.I don't know why but I suddenly started panicking remembering Damon's message and the rumors about my new boss.

When the elevator reached the sixteenth floor, I heaved a sigh of relief and when I reached the door, I was only three minutes late. 'It won't be a big deal 'I thought to myself. Taking a deep breath I knced on the door. But nobody answered, so I decided to knock a few more times.

Seeing no response, I got excited to know that he might have not arrived and I happily twisted the doorknob and quickly entered inside.

The moment I entered, I heard someone question me "And who gave you the permission to enter my office?"and I was again dumbfounded, just now when I knocked nobody answered, why question me again.

I was rooted to my spot and recovering from the shock, I finally found my voice and said"I am very sure I knocked the door before I entered "I said defending myself from the trouble I was about to land into.

"So?"came the emotionless words of him,before I could say anything, he asked me again "Did I say you should come in?"he asked in a vibrating husky voice .I am sure am as good as dead this time, I wonder if he still remembers what happened at a the casino because if he does, I will be fired. I am at least sure about that concerning how people talk about him.

I was still in a daze when I heard him yelling "I didn't allow you in yet you entered?"he yelled slamming his hands on the table in front of him.

Wait, did he except me to stay there the entire time ?I asked myself " Well yes,I knocked and nobody answered so, assumed you were not in and decided to invite myself in"I stated as a matter of fact. What is wrong with the man.

"Don't ever enter my office without my permission, do I make myself clear?"he asked me. Ok, I thought this was my office too, but I did not dare say my thoughts loud considering how he flared up this moment.

Since his tone was starting to piss me off I tried to air something "But Julian.."

"It's either sir or Mr"he corrected me in a firm tone leaving no room for negotiation. Again,how did I forget to address this beast in front of me.

"Mind telling me why the hell you are late on your first day?"here we go again how could I skip this question, at least I didn't forget this one.But I am least bothered coz I have my line I usually use and I am sure he will let me off.

"I am sorry sir, it will never happen again"I said feeling proud and relieved at the same time.

"You are sorry, huh?he asked in a sarcastic tone his gaze throwing daggers at me.

Wait a minute, I did not see this coming, my line did not work on him, I really frustrated. Luckily enough, he didn't say anything and I headed to my desk.

But before I could make it there, I heard him say"I will be sure to get someone to teach you how you should dress when coming to work".

Never in my life have I been insulted in such a manner, "but Damon is totally fine with it I wear clothes like these and he has no problem"I let him know.

"You can resume your dressing code when working with Damon"he started before adding "your first impression on your first day shows how dumb you are "

Did I hear him right, "but Julian this is.. "I did not finish my statement when he said "It's Mr Julian, th how you address your boss"and lifted his mug to his lips and sipped from it.

"But Damon is ok with all of these, what's your problem?"I was really angry and could not hold it any longer.

"I told you already I am not Damon and don't tolerate nonsense, I also hate repeating myself, now go and begin working before I resume firing you as I had planned"

I don't know how to think , what can I expect from devil like him I am happy to I am at least not fired on my first day. I made a mental check to thank God appropriately for helping me this this time.

I finally gave in"yes sir"I uttered trying to sound polite despite how bitter my heat was, the beast nodded his head and waved me off.

"You can start by cancelling all tomorrow's appointments," he went ahead and pulled out his drawer and got three files.

"Take note of all words printed in red and green, also fix a meeting with Mr Spensor this Friday "

I nodded and picked up the files heading where my desk was so that I start working as soon as possible.
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