

280 DAYS AWAY (Episodes 3 & 4)

© Arhis'Tm
Continuing from Episodes 1 and 2...

4:30pm (Afternoon after school)Episode 3...
After school Susan was walking home , she walked with a slow pace and wasn't focused for the first few minutes away from school. She felt droopy again , just like this morning. She started to gain her focus a little bit but it wasnt much. She started walking again but then it looked darker and darker each step that she took. She rose her head in confusion as she notices that she is taking a road that she couldn't recognise. She stopped for a second to check the time as it was a little bit darker. So she checked the time and to her surprise it was already 6pm.
Time Skip(Susan was abused , and that is not good content , just to say please report if you have been abused to and adult)
Episode 4..
When Susan was brought to the hospital for a dental checkup which her family and her had each month. This was only 2 weeks after the incident. While at the hospital the doctors suspected that she looked sick and she was also sweating alot. They brung her to a room and checked her pulse , they saw that something was unusual and tried diving deeper to find out more information. Once they found out what happened and told her mom...

question {What do you think happened?}•|