

The way we act , look and behave it defines our outlook . Personality is nothing but our way to see world and kindness to reflect things in particular time . The way we understand other's is the first impression of our personality . The way we dressup is the second reflection of our personality . The good deeds is the third reflection of our personality which describes are mercyfulness . In these way , discipline , innocent ness describes are passion to our hardwork , dream and to the life .
Life is a path and in that our personality defines our behaviour , our thinking power , our kindness and our nature . We learn to perceive things , we learn to live a life and to fulfill our dreams to lead a beautiful life . In that life shows us destiny but personality shows us path . That's why we say, that personality is the most important element of every living beings on earth . In that way we act and take things in silence is the " Best Personality" described forever.
In the life path we do learn the people , judge them , observe them and evaluate ourself in that way . We should evaluate ourself but in a right way . Don't be mirror like shadow be the opposite of that shadow . Form your niche and personality . Personality is depended on you how you form it , create it and develop it .

- Alora 🍒
personality the significant element which describes us , forms us # it's the reflection of our nature # the way we act , the way we pretend and evaluate ourself # so be aware # take care of your actions , mind , outlook and behaviour#@Alora.
© Alora